TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Definitely not in Texas. I thought he was up in Canada. Haha. I’m ready to start collecting stuff myself that I finally have a house. My mom always threw everything away every time she moved. Sucked. I just kept it to the essentials while renting and now I’m starting to buy everything. It’s fun and all, but stuff is so expensive.

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Oh ya you picked a non ideal time to need to fill a house bro, truly :man_facepalming:t2: prices are unreal! But congrats on getting a home. So nice to have your own spot, property etc. I miss it dearly, DEARLY. I could not imagine having to furnish or full a home in 2023 though, I feel bad for my sons…. Gonna be hard to survive out there just starting out. Thank god they have us but still, appliances alone would kill someone to buy new.


Furniture I don’t need much, but tools and outdoor stuff are killing me. Want a new bedroom set too, but leaning towards just building my own or refurbishing some mid century modern stuff I can find for cheap. Seems like nice solid wood furniture is ridiculously expensive these days. Ceiling fans and then painting/wallpapering/judges panel/trim all of the walls… Jeez.

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I went appliance shopping the other day when I thought my freezer went out on me. Jesus Christ Almighty. I was like 8500? Thats car money bro. And these shits are designed to crap out in like 10 years. I might live to have to replace this thing 3 more times. Prices are gonna keep going up, too. In another 10 years a new fridge might be $15,000. In 20 years a new fridge might be $25,000.

I’m almost ready to go dust off the old ski mask and go hit a lick on a new dishwasher. :joy:


Haha I know trust me, my dishwasher went a few months back…… guess who’s hand washing now, I had to buy a stove when we moved…. Don’t ask. My washer/dryer combo was 3000$ on clearance! No joke! It’s ridiculous

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Did this for a living for a while, even had my own business if only we weren’t 24 hours apart :wink:


Haha. I’m your half way point. Pick me up on the way and we’ll knock it the fuck out.

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Had to just buy refrigerator, washer, and dryer. Expensive. Couldn’t imagine buying the stuff in these houses on tv. All Viking or Miele kitchen or something. Haha

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I’m dreading doing this downstairs remodel. Demos about to start this week.

I always forget not everyone lives in a legal state. Or decriminalized in 1986. I always forget until its brought up. :upside_down_face:


It is key and yes it goes just above your waist. It keeps your body frame standing up straight in the water. So you can do regular exercises. Example jumping jacks or cross-country skis in the water at a high pace without impacting joints. Deep water hydro fit is all about “keeping form” that way you isolate all the muscles correctly and get as hard of a workout as you possibly can. Zero impact on joints. If you want to stretch and work every muscle group in a 45 min period “plus cardio”. hydo fit is what’s up. :100: I’ve been doing it 2-3 days a week for 18 months. I saw my Dr. Tues directly after hydro fit class. My Blood pressure was 110 over 70 :heart: I have a resting heart beat of 51 beats a min. 6’3" 285 so I am over weight. 35 lbs. For my body frame.


guys im having anxiety for the stuff jetdro is throwing away… i hate to see all that stuff wasted LOL fml someone call a hydro store and negotiate a deal!

happy canada day and quick question what temp yall keep your seedlings heat mat at ?


6’3 eh… didnt know they could pile shit that high.

sorry had to since it was t’d up


They pile shit really high. Them, they :rofl:


did u just assume its genders

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75-77 for the heat mat! Have an awesome day yourself bro👊🏻 as far as his throwaways I almost had to take a lorazepam once…. Rich mofo


I ate a steak burrito 3 hours ago that knocked my ass out for an hour.


Oooooooh gender assumer!


Mmmmm steak burrito :drooling_face: I’m making quesadillas as we speak !


thanks i have it at 74 ill bump it up to 77 when my back loosens up… got a 3x3 for 60 bucks just put it together. fun day lol

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