TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

My chest freezer was still working, but in bad shape. It was 34 years old. It was an outdoor freezer now and I got no spot. Gave it to my daughter. 4 kids, they needed it more than me and the missus. Then she made me get a new one. It was pretty cheap. @TopShelfTrees1 I used to put 200# of bait in it.


I feel like this is personal :joy:

I keep mines on hell apparently!


Oh man, steal! I’m looking for another tent right now, 4x4 or less cuz no way I’m getting a 4x8 think I missed all the crazy deals though unfortunately

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34 years is epic! Outside too! Damn bro, my last one lasted 10 years and I was happy, the one I have now is 18 though as it was my old man’s they don’t make shit like they used too huh


i missed out on 2 5x5 gorrillas with extensions for 250 each cause i didnt have enough cash then missed out on a 4x8 for 100 bucks… so when this came up i had the cash luckily and jumped on it. basically 1/3rd cost

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Jeez! U get all the deals!

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Just wanted to speak up and say there’s some good reading in this thread. Thanks for the short stories. It’s helping keep my mind occupied

4 Likes thank you very much, I’m glad you enjoyed it, veers off somewhat the last few months but I’m also glad you enjoyed all the veering off track and craziness we endure, thank you for stopping by , very glad to have you :facepunch:t2:


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I can breathe! Air quality index has finally recovered :open_mouth:‍:dash:


Good Morning :coffee: :sunglasses:


Wait a second. @TopShelfTrees1 you sure this isn’t where we come when we’ve veered too far? Where you spit it out. Whatever your “it” is today that’s got your shoes on the wrong feet. But in the next sentence, talk about what pack of Genus Seeds I’m going to tear into. you found the right spot. Entertainment and grow tips. Enjoy! What are YOU growing?


Sorry. Morning @TopShelfTrees1


You are exactly right brother. It’s that place to receive no judgment and to find brotherhood, loyalty, honour. To ask grow questions, to show off your buds and have encouragement and comaradery. Good morning brother


Morning folks, glad to hear the air il there is starting to clear up. Did they start to get the wildfires under control?


We still have about 50% burning! It was over 500 wildfires! Yes 500 when we broke the record! They are at about 230 still, but we still have that stuck weather system that’s causing the problems, dry, hot weather, short bursts of rain but not enough to affect much etc. we don’t stand a chance until the weather patterns break, and sadly normally they subside the end of July @Hotrods_and_hounds its crazy, absolutely crazy


Oh for sure we started watching the satellite feeds and it’s crazy enough you can see it from space. So I can only imagine what it would look like in person…


Morning fam. Hope everyone’s having a great Canada day/4th of July weekend.


Not bad, gonna be chopping some plants today and taking some cuts. You bro?


Nice. I’m packing up all of our shit into boxes and humping that shit into the attic so we can start the demo of downstairs for the second phase of our remodel… 5 years later.


Awesome! Sucks atm but so worth it, and I get it, with the prices of shit, especially lumber and copper I don’t blame you, I picked up some cedar fence boards the other day, they were over triple what I paid 6 years ago, TRIPLE ffs