TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I’m always down for a sweet ground score :crazy_face:

It’s sad but true but I know so many people that are the exact same. I’ll tell them something I bought, need etc. and then they proceed to tell me what they just TOSSED in perfect condition. Some people just don’t give a f!?& , I’m so poor I have to.


It’s that known fear that the second you toss it, you’ll need it the next day!

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In 2008 when the market crashed. Lost my dog my ole lady. I was so torn up. I didn’t sell anything. Gave it all away. Everything in the house. Had a pile on the street of all the shit for the garbage man. Neighbors scored. I will never do that again.


But in those circumstances I understand, for real. You were lost, upset. Shit I feel for you just reading it. But I totally get never doing it again, especially nowadays everything has value even stuff u think is useless


I’m a minimalist now. It’s much more peaceful. What I do have is the best of very little. :100:


I KNOW I’ve got too much shit! I tossed 2 dumpsters when I moved, gave away couch sets, fish tanks etc. moved here and I’m still cluttered :man_facepalming:t2: I need to get rid of stuff, my wife calls me a hoarder , no joke. It’s becoming an issue

“she may be on to something”

Oh I know she is…. Now I just gotta figure out where to start.

It easy pick a room. Start at the end and work you way in. Chip away at it. Don’t bother trying to separate and make another pile. You will end up with another room of shit. Pick a good day. Anything of value goes in the yard. Yard sale. Get it all out.


Good advice bro, gracias :pray:t3:


Sounds familiar

My wife says my last life was during the depression. I hate throwing potential useful stuff out. I just found an old squirrel cage exhaust fan from when I first started growing in 1995 :flushed:

Alright fella’s. We’re off to the car show.
Stay up!

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I discussed something like that, with pain management a few months back. Guy I saw does ablation. Scarry guy. Nope. Wasn’t the procedure but the guy who concerned me. Well…the procedure too. My dad had it done. He was worse. Now that’s scary to me.

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Last thing I want in Texas is people coming to my house for GROW EQUIPMENT

Ah no

Other stuff I’ll sell , not grow equipment


Nice! Have fun my man, love car shows!

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Haha I didn’t really think of that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is really good advice, I have done all kinds of things to unload my back but this could possibly work the best.
Thanks for that advice. :exploding_head:
The floating waist belt is probably the key.
I would imagine it must go just above your hips right?
Kinda like a traction thingy.

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