TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

yes best thing is whiskey shot lemon and honey mixed in a tea with onion skin 2 of those and your good

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I grew up thinking I was suppose to drink. Work/Drink grrrowl man of the house. Learned behavior. I don’t drink because its not appealing to me, anymore than going on a date and having her hammered pig shit. . Plus it makes me self-loathe the next day. Not one good thing ever comes from drinking. My experience.


Haha. I knew it was time to quit drinking when I started showing up to the bar or club sober and realized I had better start drinking and quick if I was gonna tolerate all these drunk fuck heads surrounding me. Also I always had my best ideas that landed me in jail while drinking. I quit drinking and quit going to jail.


I quit for a lot of reasons. One is because I was destructive and volatile. Another is because the whole thing became very boring.

Lots of other reasons though.


i tend to binge when i drink so i dont really drink either. one or two turns into 15 and a week hangover and anxiety. and sometimes an std. too old for that now. that and i cant get laid any more

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Gonna get real personal with y’all for a minute…
This sounds like me too Cole. I’ve recently quit drinking(510 days dry right now). I never was one that drank to get drunk. If I ever did, it was clearly an accidental drunk followed by absolute regret. Just a few beers after work kind of thing. I never seen it as a problem. Spoken like a true alcoholic, I know lol.
After my son was old enough to want to do things and started to become more aware of his surroundings, something clicked in my brain. I’d get home from work, have a few, and be tired. Missing that time I could do stuff with him. I wasn’t present in my life. I think that ditching alcohol has made me a better employee, father, husband, and person in general.
To be perfectly honest…I actually hoped to see more of a change in my life. I still think about drinking almost daily, and I think that’s something that I will always have to deal with. It’s also a huge struggle telling myself that I’m doing this for me. That’s the only way it’s real. I can’t help anyone in my life until I can help myself.
I’m not dogging on anyone here that drinks. To each their own. I’ll never preach. This is just something I’m doing for myself, because I know I can. We all have complete control of our own lives.
Sorry guys, I’ve been struggling. :pensive:
And a tune:


Booze is no joke.


stay strong and keep being present in your kids life. im sure he appreciates it more than you know


Never was much of a drinker but I smoke my fair share.


It goes away. It’s like a death.


I took a left on cocaine in the early 90’s for two years. A woman never broke my heart like cocaine did.


The thing with cocaine is you either end up dead, or in jail, or out of cocaine.


That’s pretty much it. Nothing works not even your dick.


I used to be spun bad. So glad I got that out of my system when I was still young. I used meth for about three years(16-19). I honestly don’t know how my family still loved me after some of the shit I did.
Also had a fair bout with opiates/opioids. Slapped myself for that one. I consider myself lucky that I didn’t end up with a needle in my arm like some of the old homies back in the county. :grimacing:

@Foreigner - Yeah, the only thing cocaine is good for is wanting more cocaine.


Don’t shame yourself. Know one uses that shit because they are well. Not your fault.


At a certain point blame/shame become irrelevant and counter productive.


My journey with coke was pretty short. Maybe 6 months to a year. When it’s gone, I would fiend out hard for about 10 mins and then I would go to sleep. I never really saw the appeal in it other than at a certain period of time it’s what was around and what everyone was doing. At a certain point everyone else started cooking it up or banging it and I was like hell nawl guys, and dropped it.


It’s not shame. I’m long over it. I’m blessed to have the life I do. Though there have been mistakes, they are not failures. Our experiences make us who we are. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


just getting caught up here.
I’ve lost so many friends to addiction.
My journey into drugs and alcohol didn’t really begin until I was 20. Smoked a few joints before that but wasn’t around it much. I drank socially but didn’t like it much and the only alcohol I actually enjoyed the effects of was tequila. I realized pretty quick that booze just wasn’t my thing and high grade imported hashish was the groove I enjoyed. Then came my good friend LSD … I really enjoyed life with a little hit of quality liquid acid made by a pro chemist over on van isle back in the early 90’s. They said back then that after you have done lsd , your brain will be scarred and you will have later in life flash backs and all this other crap.
I’ve been waiting for those flash backs and I kinda feel ripped off LOL
From 20 to 29 I spent my life immersed in dealing hash and LSD and it was like a 9 year party. I don’t regret it but while I was tripping balls on LSD , muchin shrooms and smokin copious amounts of hashish and then weed… other friends were dabbling in meth , heroin and some were getting thier rocks off on blow. I was briefly in that scene and “really” enjoyed the cocaine we used to get back then from the asians. I quickly realized that I was an addict and I could spend my life wacked on coke or quit it and never touch it again.
Thankfully I was able to put all that behind me as I matured into my 30’s but I barely made it out of my 20’s alive or in prison. I ran with rough people back then and it cost me big time to have the freedom to walk away from the business and people involved.
My mentor also fell to the grips of addiction trying to beat the pain his aging body was in from several motorcycle dumps. I lost one of the last of my 30plus year friends to addiction in april when he took a hit and he suffered a massive stroke minutes later. He died in the hospital on the 13th of april. I’m still pretty fucked up over it.
I carry much guilt for not doing enough to try and help my friends that lost thier lives to the drugs and alcohol they became hopelessly addicted too. It’s tough and I get it. Even after all these years since my last cocaine binge I recognize that I am an addict when it comes to that stuff because when someone brings it up… that want rises in me LOL so I smoke a joint and have a coffee instead.
I will never judge a person for being honest about thier addictions or troubles. Talking about these things is healthy and some people need the support.

sorry for my ramble… it’s a topic that becomes a storm in my head sometimes and I miss my friends hard some days.


Sounds similar to my 20’s had to grow up quick had a family at a young age.