TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Thank you for sharing my friend. Glad you can.
Makes me not feel like such a weirdo. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
This our community outreach program over here!


It gets better! Sober for almost 22 years myself. Every so often I get to see some of my buddies get lit up. The next day always reminds me of what I’m missing :joy:
So glad your buddy woke up @TopShelfTrees1
@SHSC-1 I can relate to that experience a little to much. Less acid more alcohol/cocaine here


Lot of good comments here fellas. Lot of commonality in our backgrounds. January 8, 1987 was the last time I drank. 36 years and some change. No particular reason it was that day. I was just done. I’m very fortunate I never had the desire to drink again. Swapping alcohol by the gallon for coffee.


I should qualify a little. When I quit drinking, all hell broke loose as I had nothing to buffer my insanity. Quit everything shortly after. Not a bong rip for 15 years. Active in AA and NA. I knew coke and alcohol were out, but also knew I was going to burn again.
These days, quality weed is the key to a decent quality of life. It buffers my pains, regardless of source. I enjoy both the medicinal and recreational aspects. I enjoy the plant and am always learning new aspects of it. Nuances of different strains, cure times, edibles, all that stuff.
But…most importantly it ,weed and all that includes, has brought me in contact with you. The weed part’s great. But good weed can be found easier than good people. I have another place I spent time before here. Small, pretty intimate group I still go.
I spent a lot of time trying to learn about some parts of growing in a tent at one of the bigger forums. But they behave bad a lot. They joke from some mean spirited point I do not understand.
I’ve heard lots of you say how important OG is in your life. It’s more the people in it.
Hey @TopShelfTrees1 , sorry we collectively hijacked your thread, but I think it’s as important as anything we talk about.
Any of you want to talk about alcohol or hard drug problems, I can point to some solutions. No judgement from me.
@SHSC-1 no apologies necessary. Glad you feel like you can openly talk like this. I seem to have been on a roll with losses. If I didn’t say anything to somebody, I would not be pleasant to be around.
Love you guys. Truely, CP


@TopShelfTrees1 Its weird how similar our lives are.
Stoked to hear he is out of a coma and hope he makes a great recovery.
A homie from growing up just woke out of a coma from semi recent motorcycle accident from march. Unfortunately, he might be paralyzed from it. fingers crossed he’s not. He was the best skater out of all of us back then.

I know if I ever got into cocaine, it’s a sure fire check out for my personality.
I did go thru some fun trips and instead of hash it was dabs by the lb.(c02 not butane bull) Unstoppable globs thru my rig.
I have to find my pin of globzilla.haha

LSD was fun but never got the visuals that were illustrated in the cartoons or warnings lol.Just heightened light intensities and trails. Smiling so hard it hurt my face after the trip.
Now the mushrooms really got that box checked for me. haha
Good old penis envies :sunglasses:


Good morning my friends, reading these stories has definitely shown me how similar many of us were/are I guess it’s my turn…. I’ve been smoking dope since about 12/13 when we found baby food jars of honey oil in my best friend’s fathers (who also became my mentor ) entertainment centre. We would take a bit every day, smoke, give it away (until we got smart and bartered) by 15 I was that guy who could get oil , hash, and some bud but it was still semi rare. This is where I met Cory, he was a Crip from LA that was on the run and hiding out in Canada at a friend’s house, even though we were about 10 years different we became the best of friends, my first true brother, we got into everything and I became a full fledged gangster, this is where I found cocaine…. I pushed that shit HARD for many years, did bumps here and there, used it to obtain so much and so much power, I don’t know what it was but I started using it here and there (maybe twice a week) during all of this I met my wife and fell hard, at a very young age but continued ramping up at parties, here do a line, if I was “working” but tired as f do a bump, it became second nature, before I knew it I was going hard…… during all of this my other best friend was losing our business to heroin . Now I’m 18 yo give or take, running three houses full of weed, selling yayo, weed, pills etc. co running a production business and hanging with rap stars and I built a small empire over the next 6-7-8 years, life was grand but I was using coke, pills and various other substances to make things better, I also had in those years two baby boys who made everything better but I still continued on until the car accident . I wrapped my brand new (maybe 2 weeks old) car around a tree avoiding a deer, I had to kick open the doors, drag my wife unconscious and my two baby’s screaming one in a car seat, other a booster seat through bush to the side of the road and await passers by. Now I was on OxyContin as my back was f’d, this was the beginning of my downfall as several of my brothers and associates ended up in jail for absolutely insane sentences, were up for gang charges, intimidation, armoured car robberies and several for the ultimate charge, my friends/partners were dissapearring faster than I could notice, it was a heartbreaking time. it took me several years and losing so much to realize I was killing myself, had amazing people to live for and needed to change my life. Quit everything but cannabis within a 6 month period , took my losses and got out of many of my ventures, practicesand changed my entire lifeand haven’t looked back. I drank hard throughout the entirety of my club/biz days as well I was a mess and thank god daily for seeing me through, it’s been 16+ years and I do nothing but smoke dope or dabble In a drink here or there but that’s it, I’ve lost so many brothers, friends, family to drugs and alcohol or suicide it’s disgusting and I thank God for helping my mentor see the light and come clean as well as many other friends and even my kid sister…. I love all you guys and truly am blessed to have OG and all of you in my life! Much love and respect 🫶🏻👊🏻


Good Morning :coffee:
Happy your still with us :vulcan_salute:

“Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right” :green_heart:


Mornin fam. Had to get out and wrangle the tomato garden before it gets too hot. It was already too hot.


I am here…. I don’t just say this, nor take this lightly. I’m gonna give an example for you as I know he would not mind in this context. A good friend I met on here @estab87 snd I have been helping each other through hard times for over a year now, close to 2 actually. We’ve become quite close and turn to each other quite often. Same with my brother @crownpoodle we have poured our Hearts out to each other countless times over the last 3+ years and he knows the majority of my turmoils etc. also I would like to offer this to all of you…. I’ve said it to many of you before but I want you to know just how serious I am as this helps me as well, honestly. And I’ve got a lot of respect for all of you. Not easy to pour your heart out in public…. Or tell of your struggles :facepunch:t2:


It helps to unload and have a catharsis moment. Shared troubles are slowly minimizing the load on a single human mind!


Just pulled a tick off of my dogs ear, so close to being imbedded it was just entering the skin on her ear, here comes the heebie jeebies for 24hours now, every itch/scratch has me all freaked out :man_facepalming:t2: god I hate these disgusting little blood sucking :drop_of_blood: bastards. :nauseated_face:


“Hate their guts and livers too”. Lonesome Dove.


Yeah, I put them in the same category as a leech.


Now wtf did you have to show that for.


Used to use those for bait, still hate em though, leaches bring me back to STAND BY ME every time I think of them…. Also a favourite of mine movie wise as I’ve been a huge Stephen king fan since I was a teenager.


Thanks for the kind words brother.

Yes, Stand by Me…every time! Lol


Well, almost halfway done weeding…just the peppers. Twelve down, seventeen to go! :hot_face:


Bastards are relentless! Stay hydrated it’s always my one issue in summer I don’t drink enough EVER, just coffee and of that I drink too much!


My wife watches me make a fresh pot after dinner. “You know what time it is?” Yeah, why? Shakes her head. Again.


Oh we always have an after dinner pot at my house, always. But my wife drinks almost as much as I do

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