TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Amen brother :pray:t3:


I don’t know about heals but I did cram some pine cones in there and it did slow the bleeding.


Lmmfao @Foreigner Ouch, bet that was scratchy! I’ll never forget pulling pine cone pieces out of body parts when I fell and tumbled down the gorge they were imbedded everywhere along with rocks. That sucked


Ain’t that the truth. The before yesterday the wife and I stopped to pick something up to eat that wasn’t gonna make it home and still be good so we pulled off into a neighborhood and down a back road to a small fishing company. Parked at the edge of the water and watched all the cranes milling about and listened to the water slap. It was recharging to say the least.


That sounds very relaxing, Hope the food was delicious.


Haha. It was the best Captain D’s can do. The scenery made it all the better.


That’s what counts, atmosphere, ambience, company. Many times I’ve had ghetto meals even turn into something special with my wife and I or even with my sons


So my brotha Randy is still in the hospital but doing like 85% + better for sure, hell just talking/texting each day the last couple has made me so happy I can’t explain it, a new doc came in last night and said “nope not leaving for at least a week, maybe two. “ which has him really upset and I can only imagine after 4+ months hospitalized and much of that completely out of it.


now wait a minute :rofl: I share many commonalities here… the weed, the fishin, the coffee… gotta have a coffee going at all times I say… In fact I generally travel with a mug and a big stanley thermos just in case where I end up there is no coffee. At one time I even had a 12V 2 cup coffee maker in my vehicle along with a stash of sugar and creamer powder… ya just never know. I often thought about cutomizing that thing into the dash LOL

But I have to pass on the wee little dogs, cats and slippers… just not gonna happen for me although the small dogs might be easier to manage than our 76kilo rottweiller :rofl:
I like cats though… might add one to the family at some point and we did try last year… our 76kilo Lucy was not having that


Look at the woman The Original Outcast I think. Got some awful diagnosis, yet persevered for quite a bit under hideous circumstances. Need to remember her name. Elaine?Eileen? Anyone? I love those stories. I guess Randy still had stuff to take care of. I know that’s been a heavy one @TopShelfTrees1 , glad at least that weight is off of you.
When can you see him, or that not a good option yet?


Hahaha. I can’t wait til I settle into my age and find my “thing” that better be where ever I’m going, or I’m bringing my own. I feel like I’m almost there with cheese cake or keylime pie. I’m super upset if any restaurant doesn’t carry one or the other. But how weird would that be when asked “anything for dessert,” and I’m like “don’t worry about it hon, I brought my own.” I guess that’s not any weirder than installing a coffee rig into the dash :joy:


Gonna go up this week if he’s not out by then, probs Tuesday/Wednesday


Oooh cheese cake// key lime pie :drooling_face:

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Dash coffee when I was a driver. Gonna need a bigger piss bottle, if that’s the case.


I used to go to a restaurant called pickle barrel for breakfast where they did unlimited coffee but wouldn’t give you a to go cup to take it with you when you left.

I told the waitress “you know I’m just going to steal this whole mug then right?”

She knew me, knew I was serious, and thought it was funny.

I have a bunch of those mugs.


LOLZ installing a coffee rig in the dash was an idea inspired by the james bond car with the tea and milk taps on the dash. :rofl:


I saw a shot of a beer tap in the dashbonce. Some Caribbean country. Local PD maybe.


I have no doubt, I would too :laughing: in fact it would most likely become sport . :wink:


I’ve seen that too, one was a low rider big boat Cadillac, trunk held 1 or 2 kegs, taps were on the dash. Lol I do not believe it gets any more illegal


When I was 16 I went to go buy my first car .
Looked at many . One was a lil Toyota that had two lil black nozzles sticking from the bottom of the dash . By pushing on them and hold a glass under them they served whisky and coke
lol . Was pressurized somehow and the rez’s , lol , were in the trunk . Didn’t buy the pos but remember it 50 years later