TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I’ll just say my 10cent bag charge covered it. :joy:


@MoBilly @BigMike55 i hope all is well with you guys! Miss having you guys around all the time cheering me on and sharing your stuff as well.


No more plastic or paper bags here. You have your own woven reusable bag. Sell them for 97 cents. I just keep 4-5 in my car. No bag you juggle.


Same here but at many places they are 5-10 cents, I have so many woven bags now it’s nuts! If I added them up it’s gotta be 3-400 already no joke! But it doesn’t help my wife brings one home 5 nights a week sometimes many more lol.

It makes no sense though one place they are 2.00$ another 90 cents another 10 and another 5 :grimacing: people are definitely not buying bags at the 2$ place :man_facepalming:t2: I’ve often juggled stuff as I’m not paying their bag prices cuz I’m a cheap bastard


Thats me haha ten trips back n forth just to save a dollar. :joy:

I just make sure I have enough that some are in my rig. I still forget to take them in and juggle 5-6 items to the car. :rofl:

Never fails does it ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’ve been looking in from time to time. Been really busy. Have not had lots of time to browse the forum. Sorry.
I HAVE seen your stuff. I say, if the good Lord made anything better, he kept it for himself.
Howz dat?


Haha not necessary bro, just missed you guys that’s all, I see your posts and always grateful. Hope all is well, I see you still Killin it over there yourself! :facepunch:t2:respect, busy is good keeps you alive @BigMike55


Of course I’m out of likes :man_facepalming:t2:

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I have been getting back into the forum a little more lately. I sort of let my journal go and been just bugging others on theirs for a while.
The good news is that the main reason I haven’t been around much is that the procedure worked on my knees and I have been getting the place in order. It’s amazing how fast a place can get in disrepair when your down for an extended period of time. This time I’m bringing everything in close to the house, goats, dogs, poultry… We sold all the horses so why ride out to the field everyday? Winter will be so much easier on us now. No more busting out the pond. Yay!
I much prefer a heated water tank. When our health gets worse we’ll still manage. lol
Just watch.
I will make an effort to bug you from time to time though. :slight_smile:


That’s AWESOME NEWS! I’m so happy to hear that! I have arthritis in my knees and I know the kneeling in glass feeling it’s horrible! Sounds like life is going great and that makes me wicked glad to hear as well. Looking forward to seeing you back more regularly my brother :facepunch:t2: but not because of anything but boredom or posting updates, :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: knee pain sucks!


True words.


Came across this the other day-may be worth a try🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s very interesting, thank you for sharing @Skyf :facepunch:t2:


I’ll have to research that some.


I never had luck with the tent method. I started stringing my plants up in the master bath. If it’s summer the ac never stops pumping back there. It was super easy to keep the temps at 60. If it was winter, I’d keep the window cracked over night. The plants naturally kept the ambient RH right at 60. After 10 or 11 days it was literally the most perfect weed I have ever grown.


It is hard to keep temps under at or near 60 degrees in any room or even the basement since outside temps at 90. a/c only good for a 20 degree differential. That is the main reason I have them in the tent to have more air flow to combat any mold.

Its more air flow than I’d like too but part of the puzzle with a summer harvest. At this rate it will take roughly 7-9 days with the air flow I have going. Learning curves are fun.


If you have the space, have you considered a second tent with a portable ac and humidifier where you can cycle icy humidified air in and out of the tent?


It would be nice to have that setup later on down the line. Right now, I have a a/c going on the same level and dehumidifier going whenever above 50% humidity. Kinda the best I can do at the moment. I’m cycling air in /out of tent.
Currently the temps are at 72 degrees and humidity is at 61% in the tent.