TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

A Serbian Film is a single watch for me. That film pretty much broke me.
Another that broke me was Irreversible. Single watch, brilliant well done film. But trust me. NO ONE needs to see it more than once.
Artsy horror is pretty cool. Lars von trier Anti-Christ. And The House that Jack Built both are good examples of his films.
I also like foreign horror films. Even when you have to read the captions.
A couple good ones you may not have seen. Frontier(s). That’s a dandy. Also INSIDE. GRUESOME AS HELL
I’m sure you have by now seen the Terrifies films.
If not I highly recommend those. Fun as hell to watch with some good friends and a few tasty buds. If you have not seen those I recommend to see them in order. All Hallows Eve, then Terrifier, then Terrifier 2.
Have fun bruh.


Awesome! I’ve seen the terrifiers but not the others thanks for the recommendations bro!

Lol spell check do you mean antichrist not anti Christmas :rofl::rofl: what other Serbian one time watch films do you recommend?


Even if i’m not sure that A serbian Film belongs to the other movies. It’s more likely snuff porn than horror imo.
Martyrs is another brilliant movie, hard to watch sometimes but brilliant :facepunch:t3:


HAHAHA love that pic.

crazy …


looks like your smoking a dragon fly the glasses are the wings lol. or am i just medicated and seen things :rofl:

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Not quite the same movie aficionado as some of you in here but as far as horror movies are concerned, I enjoyed The Conjuring and Hereditary quite a bit and were some of the more memorable “horror” movies for me over the past number of years.


Check out Eden Lake. The red headed woman in Yellowstone is in it. She’s good.
I Spit on Your Grave. Both original and remake are good. But single watch because of the rape scenes.
Check out Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door. Hoo boy. There’s one right there.


Serbian film gets rated with trainspotting : movies that altered my perception of life itself, truly. Just like jim Henson did to me as a child with his mastery of these fantasy worlds and characters that just enthralled you right from the opening scenes! I wish to God we still had people like him creating masterpieces! The entire movie scene is nothing like it once was and even more so than any other genre the horror scene has truly “fell off” when Rob Zombie started creating films he gave me that vibe again, I’ll never forget watching house of a thousand corpses on bootleg!! I was instantly obsessed, and actually got a quote for a captain Spaulding tat a day later, no joke! But when devils rejects dropped, then his version of Halloween I was absolutely sold and thought horror was back, TRUE HORROR…. Then he made Salem’s Lot :man_facepalming:t2: pet cemetery wasn’t as good as original, but the new It’s I enjoyed a lot but the original is still an all time favourite. The one I keep waiting on a remake for and one of my all time favourite movies to this day is Stand By me…. Absolutely incredible movie, loved Shawshank Too, Misery was also amazing! Hopefully someone truly brings back horror as it should be, it’s not gonna be Jordan peele, sadly Rob zombie dropped the ball , and Stephen King us getting quite old and not putting out the works he once did. Idk I do hope we see a true resurgence soon or at least a director who stirs the pot and creates a real stir again. Please Bring Back Horror, TRUE HORROR FILMS​:pray:t3:


I walked in to someone watching Caterpillar. A few minutes was bad enough. Nope

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Good horror lies in concept and creating an environment that you could place yourself in. I think, and this goes across all genres, movies have come to rely on cgi special effects way too heavily to the detriment of story.


Ya those were FUCT UP! :face_vomiting:

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Very very true. There’s certain places they can go to instantly get me…… Texas farm land pre 80’s , old psychiatric hospitals and or jails and Chernobyl or similar places…. You make a movie in those setting with a good storyline and some gore :ok_hand:t3: SOLD!


Yes. You nailed those setting on the head. Also if I may be so bold to add “military installation in a blizzard with failing power”


Is that the thing ?


Hah. I’m out of likes… Again. But absolutely.


I also like , late at night , commin home from work , in a big city headin down to the underground train station ? They can sense it commin and we know they deffo gonna get it lol no out running this in your business suit and fancy leather soled shoes ……… your fucked ha


Have you seen “X”? Or it’s prequel “PEARL” ? I have seen Pearl, but X was Xcellent. See what I did there ?
Also Barbarian was pretty decent.
And ‘TEETH’.


Vagina dentata


Exact-amundo, my friend.