TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Awesome! That’s great…. Animals can be absolute blessings in every way, especially for those of us with anxiety etc. may you become the best of friends and he/she live a long happy life with you :pray:t3:


Love hearing he slept with you. Who needs who here?


I belong to a cat! She absolutely chose me. She is slowing down a bit, but she is about 15
Good morning everyone


I remember your pups after seeing the pics! How could I forget gorgeous Dalmatian’s! Very cool! What made you go for Dalmatian’s? It’s a breed you don’t see a lot, in fact I could probs count on my hands the number I’ve seen in person in my life.


Morning everybody. How was breakfast @TopShelfTrees1 ?


My dad, changed it to lunch this morning, so we’re going in an hour, although I’ll still get breakfast cuz it’s my go to at the Queens. Thanks for asking brotha, I’ll even snap a foodie shot for you just becuz :wink:


Wasn’t my choice. Wife was visiting a friend in Minnesota. She walked in to the house and sees 6 kids and grandkids with a Dalmatian puppy in the middle of the room. She told her friend she would take her if it was to much. The night before she left phone rings, puppy is coming to NY!


Haha my man. Hasbrowns for life breakfast lunch or dinner is my jam.


Haha that’s awesome! And now you couldn’t live without one could you? Love it, was definitely meant to be as I find most pets are. It’s true they pick or find you…. Sadly Charlii wasn’t my first pic, I chose an albino, pure white red/pink eyes , he melted my heart for real and was set on him. (We imprinted from about 3 weeks old, and went every 3 days for hours of play/cuddles. Sadly the albino was not well and could not end up being adopted. The whole time my youngest son who was just a little boy then was always pliéing with this one brown/white fluff ball he absolutely fell in love with, every time we’d go he’d be with her and you could see she loved him, I instantly said that one, we’ll take her before someone else does…. And the rest was history, even brought her home at 5 weeks as the mom had given up by then sadly. I could not imagine a moment without her. ! Here she is a few days after bringing her home, she would fit in the palm of my hand with room to spare image|375x500



We regularly eat breakfast for dinner etc around here, hash brown casserole, etc. lol love that ish!


My old work buddy yearssssss ago had a Dalmatian
The one thing he said that stuck with me is some are hard of hearing ( genetic ) and that he had to take that into concideration when training

Might just have been his one tho
: )


Good Morning buddy. Getting “my mind right” with some Blackberry Cookies.


Exactly how much ‘HORROR’ can you stand? I’m a huge fan myself. Might be able to advise on some you have not seen.


Absolutely love that pic Poodle! So awesome, believe it or not I haven’t smoked yet, waiting until post food now lol. That pic is going on my contact info for you. Awesome


Our second one is deaf in one ear. You can’t breed with them or you risk having a deaf dog.
Their is also an issue with crystal in the urine if they eat to much purine. It causes an infection in the uti which can case leakage
We got her beginning of COVID because the breeder my wife was talking to didn’t like the man she sold Cleo to. She called my wife up and asked if she would want her even though it was much sooner than when they had talked. Half price also!


Lol for real?


Oooh I like it all…. If you or ANYONE wants to see something that will certainly alter your outlook.

See A Serbian film :movie_camera: trust me :wink:

@BigMike55 if you haven’t yet watch this, anti Christ is slow but crazy too (willem dafoe) I don’t find a lot of truly scary stuff anymore but the genre is my absolute obsession. Like I have dolls of Freddy/Jason/chainsaw massacre and/or leather face, creature from the black lagoon and a cool stay puft one from ghostbusters (don’t ask lol)

I’m always down for new stuff, I’m a movie buff to say the least it’s what I do at night , everynight


That’s crazy, I wonder how they breed them then, interesting

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You have to be very selective. It took the second breeder 5 years to find her breeding dogs.