TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

God, we wore hideous clothes back then is what these old videos are reminding me. Hahaha Baggy ass jeans that made skating actually harder. We were/are such idiots. Haha

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We also sucked at skating compared to these new kids. They’re ridiculous. Can’t even tell which stance is switch and stuff. Haha

Thats one that slipped by me. Ill have to check it out.

This one is later on but one of my favorite series they did back then when the internet was becoming the uploading center for skateboarding on the early days of Berrics.

Full videos that have become classics were still being made but the fun side projects were always a great watch.

Like you said, Watched Cheese n crackers. Then started building a mini ramp. haha


yeah that is absolutly true!! fashion…

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Haha Big boy pants I think was the big pants to have back then if I remember right.
It’s better than the tight pants fad we had that hit after. I just skate in shorts high sock, old school Jason dill style now. Shin shots in all haha.

The new gen coming up is insane. switch, tech in tech out. big rail big tricks. endless bag of tricks it seems. Wild the progression of skateboarding over the past 10 years.


Super cool!! That’s what I loved about skating and surfing, creativity. Coming up with crazy lines or tricks you’d never seen before. Always thought comp skating and especially surfing were so lame. Drop in, do as many lame turns with weak spray, and then cruise over the back. Boring!!!

Luckily, my parents were broke so I didn’t have any Jncos. I look back and am kinda glad they were broke and that caused me to miss out on most of the embarrassing fashion trends that went on back then. Haha

Morning @TopShelfTrees1 Have a nice breakfast with your pops…


@PatHealy Creative aspect in skateboarding or even surfing is what makes it the best.
I can’t lie as I do enjoy watching Tampa pro if I catch the live stream. If fun to watch the bowl comps as they go nuts and like transition skating more than street skating.

Unfortunately, I got sucked up in the fad. I had one pair of those tight pants and wore em out then move to khakis ever since. We were broke too, so razor tail board were very common.

Now, if you did have the Jncos you could resell those right now for a pretty penny haha


Spent many many days at The S.P.O.T. and Bro Bowl as a kid. Skated in Tampa Am and best trick twice. Got burned by those hot, rusty, metal half pipes out back many times too. Haha Fun times!! Haven’t been there in ages. Wasn’t even sure it was still there. Jesus, Jncos are reselling now for money??? They were hideous. Haha


A couple of them are minors in the show. Yes, female surfers have better asses then the men surfers. The competition and family life was what I liked about it.

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morning all. i have the worst headache and cant shake it. think im going thru coke zero withdrawl… tryna cut back


Morning, Hope the headache melts away.

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mee too just took some ibuprophin and back in bed hopefully sleep it off

thank u bro


Thats sweet! Haha Tampa am park looks rough and very slippery. A fun park to skate I bet.

I did get to skate that Vans Park down there in Orlando twice in that mall.

I’m not sure if it’s still around. It was beat up back then in the wooden park section, but the outside concrete would’ve been fun it was older and better at skating back then.


Nice!! Never skated there myself. I was a little older when it opened. I was super jealous though. Looked sick. We had The S.P.O.T., a place called Central, and Kona. Then just as I was getting a little older a few smaller local parks started popping up. Funny thing was myself, a few other kids, and some parents spent years going to parks and rec meetings, getting plans, and all of that for a park on our little beach. But, it didn’t get built until I moved away. Haha


Good Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses:

Hell yea brotha!
I’ve seen a bunch of footage of Kona. It is wild looking. I love the old parks with the gritty obstacles. I think its because the local park I skate at was an early 90s park.
You’d have to know the line or get bucked off from a big crack in the concrete or asphalt. Kink in the coping haha.

Funny how that is but I bet the young generation benefited from that new park the older generations started in motion.
After the park was closed down and destroyed, our town got a grant. We had meetings for input on what the park should have. Long story short, my town got hit with a gnarly winter that year. They embezzled the money for road salt instead of leaving it for the sweet concrete skatepark we helped designed.

Eventually years later our town built the worst park with all metal ramps, terrible flow. Legit 3 ramps in total. Pretty lame.

Here’s an old photo of that 90s local park before they renovated it with a new section and fixed some obstacles. This became my new local park.


Good morning fam


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and fellower OGS!!! :slight_smile:


Mornin fella’s.