TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Morning TST and friends!


Good morning Top. Good morning crew!


Morning folks!


Good morning


Morning errybuddy. I finally got caught up with your thread TST.
I was seeing how folks have met celebrities.
I did a few security gigs at the Robinsons Auditorium in Little Rock Arkansas. Met several big names in the music industry.

  1. Ted Nugent is a know it all blowhard. A real piece of work.
  2. Winona Judd is a beeotch. Her mom was really sweet and friendly.
  3. Shook hands with Eric Clapton. One of the coolest guys ever.
  4. Ozzie is just as cool as you would think he would be.

Met a few other celebrities outside of concert settings.
Remember Sweet, Sweet Connie? From the Grand Funk song, we’re an American Band? Yup. I met her and drank a beer with her at LA City Limits in N Little Rock.
Met Keanu Reeves too. Briefly. Like long enuff to say I Love your work. A handshake. And that was it. But he seemed really nice and approachable.


morning fam. eric clapton would be cool to meet and jam with have a beer.

i think im addicted to asperteme no coke zero i wake up with a headache had some yesterday fine this morning… i drink a 2 litre a day. need to try and get it down to 2 cans a day instead lol


I know the feeling, tried cutting back on coffee lots once, sucked bad! I also used to drink Coke religiously in my 20’s and some of my 30’s cutting back on that was tough too, always vicious headaches with both, keep your head up brotha, you have got this and we’re all here with you, helluva crew here who have your back. One day/headache at a time, I lived on motrin for those days even though it’s bad too I did not care so long as those headaches subsided! That shit sucks


I definitely would love to have met Clapton and Keanu as well, very cool i almost would expect Keanu to be a snob, glad to hear he wasn’t. Clapton is like royalty imo. Awesome


yep this group is the best for sure bro. and i figure if i can just cut down to 2 cans a day one with supper one for pleasure i should be fine. really need to get more water in me, i am just a glutton for punishment tho and eat till i cant breathe then whine im bloated lol


I used to have a really big problem with pop. Straight up addicted to sugar. That shit lit up my dopamine receptors like a Christmas tree. I’m down to a 20 oz bottle a day. Some times 2 bottles but also some times none and it’s no big deal deal.


I never drink enough water either, coffee, juice etc. but water is rare. I definitely need to start crushing at least 8-10 cups a day minimum. Definitely what you’d call a glutton as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Good for you…. Respect :facepunch:t2: I hate being reliant on anything but I’ve cut it down to coffee, weed and nicotine via a vape and the lowest available anymore , in fact I buy 3mg and 0mg to mix to make it 1.5mg but I vape a lot sometimes! Way too much, could be much much worse I suppose


Yeah BOYYYY. I vaped to ease myself off of cigarettes. I went from 2 packs a day Newport 100s to 3 mg vape. Hahaha. I couldn’t suck that robot dick hard enough trying to get my nicotine fix when I first made the transition! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I have not drank a soda in, probably, 3 years. Normally I drink water but there’s always coffee in the morning (sweetened with honey) and non caffeinated herbal tea at night (no sweetener). I’m guessing that a good 90% is straight well water though.


That’s where I need to be , so much better for you, plus tbh I’m probably partially dehydrated more than I’d care to know so it should fix that too


You still vape? Or you quit that as well?


I’ll tell you what i really used to be addicted to was McDonalds. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in my mid 20s. I met my wife around this time and she was like what the fuck is wrong with you? She started hanging around and cooking for your boy. Eventually we both kicked Ronald to the curb. I went cold turkey on the clown for about a year. Then I decided to treat myself and relive what I had been missing. I had been missing nothing. Their burgers have been trash the whole time. I haven’t been back to a McDonalds in 12 years.


Yeah I quit vaping maybe 2 years ago. At 0mg I kinda realized it was just a fixation at that point and decided I would save the 50 or 60 bucks a week we were spending on juice and coils and all the fixins.


Haha it really is straight garbage! Once in a blue moon I’ll get a Big Mac and fries but it’s extremely rare. Much prefer a home cooked meal anyday, plus who knows what is in that stuff, it’s like one big preservative ffs


Yup it’s not cheap and now with the extra tax it’s nuts! I wanna quit this too bad, but I need the wife to follow suit or it willl never work, ever sadly