TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

your boy can grow a nice plant, he has a good eye and a green thumb

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I’ll keep an eye on it as well for you. What a killer find, you don’t see stuff like this a lot, especially the older stuff as there’s sooo many collectors now, guys who buy them just to toss on a shelf, I’m a collector of centre pins and old spinning and fly reels but I still use them, I have a rod that’s literally one of very few left in the world…. I fish it several times a year on special occasions, it landed me my biggest steelhead to date as well.


Much respect brother :facepunch:t2:

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no, i was talking about JAWS, not me…lol… @TopShelfTrees1

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ya i figured that was some collectors dream and knew you fished with that style so i had to ask lol. someone will end up getting a nice deal im sure

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102 sounds like heat stroke to me. i cant deal with the 90s and humidity here i cant imagine. my balls are sticking to my thighes just thinking about it

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Been saying this for years! Don’t know how he fell under the radar with all of his work over the years! He has hundreds of stellar creations! I’ve been bound and determined to showcase his genetics for people as he’s also my brother, truly my brother like yourself. I’m just stoked he’s getting the recognition he deserves lately as honestly I think he’s got something for everyone! Glad you noticed brother, and @JAWS keep up the epic work my brotha👊🏻

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Same here, that shit would kill me!


Im use to it, but when humidity is 92 % also, its like a sauna. In the shade it’s ok, in direct sun it’s brutal, the pack can only hang in that for so long. They know and understand. They will run the tree line shade on left side going out in morning , run other side in evening, they stay in the shade 90% of the time. Thye can sit still in the blazing sun no problem, their coat reflects most of it, but working or playing in 102 in the sun is a BIG NO, i wont let them. In the water or at creek doesnt matter, when wet they coukld walk in a pizza oven, we just adapt our times ouf activity, THEY HATE IT…lol.


they are lucky to have you though most people just wouldnt take the time to let them get out at all, except to shit and piss.


Thing is, it’s other way around, im lucky to have them. Without them id have…ah…plants??
They aint much fun :sunglasses:


yep the appreciation goes both ways and it shows. they keep you busy and company and you give them the purpose they crave


Exactly how I feel about Charlii, she’s saved me a few times already (no joke like saved my life) and I’ll be forever grateful and spoil her and love her in every way possible until her very last breath. That’s my solemn vow


How old are your pups @Jetdro thats one thing I’ve never asked?


Mercy is the eldest, 6, Finn is 5, pack leader. Sona the Maurader, is 2, Paddles the 123 pound goofball is like 18 19 months old. @TopShelfTrees1


He’s 123 lbs ! Holy shit that’s a big boy. Ah man they are still youngins I love it


They stop growing at what 2.5-3 years? He’s gonna be an absolute beast! Can tell by those giant PADDLES he’s got lol . I despise thinking of Charlii getting old, she’s almost ten (next month) and the gloss on her eyes, the not such long walks anymore etc . Breaks my heart tbch but I’m gonna cherish every single second. Upsets me just thinking about it tbch

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He was a rescue i took in at 4 mos of age. They called him Lucky, which i hated. We were down at the creek first day i got him. Saw his feet in the wet sand, while he was looking up and planted. Never seen a bigger Shepherd foot, NEVER. Dont come bigger. They are also whats known as seperated elongated webbed toes.

Ill find a pic, its silly…i looked at them things, and thought, that aint no foot, it’s a PADDLE.

When i was a kid i watched a cartoon, Spinner and Paddlefoot…

Thats him at 4 months!!! Thinking he might hsave King Shepherd in him, but i doubt it. Never seen a bigger boy than him, real Shepherd. He is THIN at that weight. His head is unlike the others. Feels like an anvil comapred to theirs. He eats 2.5 times what the others do, zoom in on his feet you will get an idea.

I wear size 12 shoe, his foot print , on wet sand or dirt, is larger than mine !!!


I absolutely love that pic too! Oh ya I can tell, it’s crazy how splayed out his toes are too, I bet he moves! Like a bolt of lightning. That’s awesome that I rescued him I love that ! WAs definitely meant to be and now he has an epic family! I assumed he was just another part of another litter. So cool, you are a good man brother. Not many would/could house four shepherds and keep them so happy. Much much respect. Always tended to judge people by how they treat/view animals. Awesome :facepunch:t2:

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