TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Had to google it, after seeing it I remember seeing someone speak of it before. Once I saw the pics I instantly remembered. Awesome! I love the old cartoons. Big fan of the nostalgia


Good morning!
@Jetdro thats a beautiful dog. My boss has a rescue Shepard. His name is Loki, however I call him Lucky since he attacked me twice and his wife once


What Lucky you didn’t kill him? Like legit attacked? That must of sucked bad


Exactly. Like bite me in the face and my arm. Didn’t report it either, so he isn’t on record as a problem dog. He gets possessive of “food “


Morning Paddles :dog:


Morning Cannabis freaks. :sunglasses:


Cant believe you found that…yeah that was it, like 1955 or 1960??? LMOA!!!

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ANY of MY dog’s EVER bite me…instant trip to the graveyard, INSTANT!!!

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It’s gonna be a nice comfortable 115°f today. Close all the windows and curtains hunker down and hide! Damnit but hey my outside girls seem to be doing well let’s go with ok.:sweat_smile: @jetdro was curious about a few dog training things. Are your dogs trained with hand signals or silent commands? Do you have suggestions to read to learn about real dog training? Like don’t bark, hit and hold stuff like that. I’m not trying to raise a monster but want a dog that listens when it’s important. Thanks


I gave him a lot of compassion. He was a street dog for the first 2 years of his life. We’ve come to a better understanding between the two of us :joy: I did have that same thoughts though
Good question on training @420noob

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Ya that’s no bueno, Charlii had a similar problem, food DO NOT TOUCH HER FOOD or u may get a tooth embedded. It’s much better now but I still wouldn’t want a stranger touching her food/treats after she’s in possession, even her growl/warning is different and mean as f@&$ . I’ve been bitten a few times, attacked twice, chased once or twice. If you can’t control your dog you shouldn’t have said dog for the most part (there’s exceptions like always but…) and biting your face @Emeraldgreen thats a big no no, man! I would have been pissed!

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I can’t like this. I like the pack better than you.

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Damn you guys and your desert weather! Stay cool homie! What kind of dog you got @420noob ?

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Meant it too! 100 percent ! They ever drew blood on me in ANGER, they turned on me…NO MATTER WHAT I DID…the would be alive only long enough for me to find a gun and a shovel

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Had to ! I’m a big fan of old cartoons and stuff, always have been. This one I never heard of so I had to of course, they said 58-9-60, I remember the weird moving mouths from something else around that time frame too! These were the cartoons that shaped today’s characters and the products of those years, it’s very cool to see certain things others used further down the road they clearly took from shows like these. Very cool


Mine work vocal, gestures too, but vocal works for us, im not a cop, dont need to hide my intentions.

They started at 8 weeks learning, slow process, takes time. Biggest thing is the bond with the dog. IF the bond is tight, they WANT to learn, need to learn. Once it sinks in, it is childs play to teach new things. I have had it easy. Always had GSD’s, they take to training like a duck to water. ONCE you establish just WHO is pack leader. Working and herding breeds need a LEADER. First thing i would tell you to do is learn to be a pack leader, rest will fsall in line. In the wild, when one “challenges” the pack leader, it is a straight up war, 100% ready to die, both parties. WHY if one of my pack ATTACKS ME…it’s war , and i know the dog’s mindset. I will NOT own, nor be around that kind of dog, been there, seen it, never again .


Definitely pissed about it! Also helps that it was not a really bad bite thank God. We put him on a leash and it triggered a bunch of bad shit in him. I’ll never trust him, but I get warning growls when I’m in his space now.
He’s a good dog, just needs a lot of direction!
Left on his own he makes bad choices, reminds me of myself :joy:


That’s what changed. I won the second fight with him. I pinned him down by the neck for a bit. Like you said war. I saw him charging me and thought to myself……I need to win this fight!


Makes two of us brother :facepunch:t2: and hell yes I’d be pissed too, definitely wouldn’t let a child around him,and that’s sad cuz every kid loves dogs, well 98% and they just wanna hold/hug/love them and most (younger) dogs love kids too, just a problem lying in wait imho

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The wife wanted him gone! Hard to adopt out a dog that bit people. Went back to the agency that they got him from. The one person had a new family with kids lined up, she just didn’t mention the biting thing. When her partner found out it was immediately stopped