TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Same @SHSC-1 sending light and good vibes your way @TopShelfTrees1


Damn bros. I sent him a message a few days ago and haven’t heard anything back. I’m glad everyone else is getting a little worried, too.


Good guy. Maybe taking time off.


He had a pretty f**ked up troll on him here a bit ago last time I saw him posting. Peace


I thought something was up. Probably someone that got banned.


Friends here will have that affected on someone. Sometimes the real world sucks. We find comfort here. But jealous people never stop. One Love


he has disappeared from another very low key site we both frequent as well at the same time he dropped off here.
One of the reason’s I joined here was that topshelf hung out here too.
My concern is I gave him my secure mailing details in the days before he disappeared and then the line went dead. I’m not concerned about the beans he was sending but I am concerned about my info being out there and not knowing what happened to him.
hope all is well and he returns.


I agree. I have gotten freaked out.

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Every time you give that info out it’s the same chance. You never know about that kind of thing. Folks are going to leave and some of those folks have my info. I believe TopShelf is a safe bet though.


I wouldn’t worry too much brother. I think if it was something nefarious, you’d already be in the middle of it. It seemed to me he was just dealing with a string of bad luck. He might just be taking some PT to get his personal life straight.

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Yes I do agree he is trustworthy. Good crew.


I’m not questioning his personal merits nor trustworthy-ness , please don’t take it that way.
Like I said , he is one of the reason’s I finally joined here as we first met many months ago on a much quieter site that holds trust above all else.
just may not be using that particular safe addy for a while that’s all hehe


I understand completely. I’ve kept my real name and anything about me even locally pretty tight for going on 2 decades. I had a new person I met cash app me a few bucks to my actual business account. And just like that he now has my business name and full government, could easily look up my address if he wanted. Fucking whoops. I was mad about that one for a minute.


I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t trust him. I was just making a comment about the personal info going out to others. I read your post so I know that you are his friend. I was speaking in a generic way about the chances we all take when we give our info out.
I was totally gun shy about that for quite a while. I received seeds from a couple of people and that got me growing for a while so I could make some stronger connections with some others. I’m not an overly trusting person to begin with. lol
In other words. I see your point. :slight_smile:


All I can say, for everyone concerned, is have faith.

TopShelfTrees has recently experienced some serious loss and adversity, hopefully he’s just taking the time he needs to heal.

If that means he’s not around here on OG for a while, that’s ok. We’ll all be here with open arms and hands full of spliffs for when he returns.


We care about you. I’m sorry.


Top Shelf Trees checked in. Don’t panic.


Great news! Thanks for sharing man


Yea, thanks for that poodle!
Nice work!


I’m baaaaCK! Much love to all my friends and fam. If there’s anywhere I could never stay away from forever this is it…… always feel loved and welcomed around here. My hiatus turned out much longer than expected I just lost way to many people in a short period of time, several who were very good friends who Covid cut our time short, that coupled with my newfound anxiety really did a number on me. But, alas I’m back and better than ever! Much love and respect all