TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Ah, he told me he was hoping to get some really f*cking good news. :exploding_head:
Now I see the light…LOL



…Loved that Movie… :laughing: :+1:



Really impressive documentation @TopShelfTrees1 .It takes some time to find what I’ve written sometimes. But it’s been helpful. My wife suggested I start my day and document everythin. Keep me from bothering her about some cross someone made. Or a hack to save money.
She just wants the end result.


Damn homie, not even an honorable mention?! Consider me heartbroken haha. Positive vibes…



I’m following just to see those Soylent green.


@stanknugzz77 my bad brother. You know I’m stoked for those haha. Not even sure how I neglected to add IllEagle to the list…. Fire all around coming through!


@Indicana_Jones you have no idea what it means to hear this, I try . But I’ll admit I have issues as well, and my thirst for knowledge and to learn the ins and outs of cannabis is what keeps me going, as for documentation I’ve just learned it’s a necessity usually 2 years down the road haha. I am glad I can give some inspiration, some drive, anything. Been doing this quite a while and it lost its meaning/fun for a while but now I’m back at it with the same vigour, thirst, drive as when I began. And having a crew of people around me that drive me and pump me up Is a huge help as well. I’ve made some friends over the last couple years mostly on here that I am sure I will have for life and it feels great to be reinvigorated and doing what I truly love with all the passion I once had and people around me with the same passion and drive makes it much easier.


That’s sort of where I am too :+1:


@shag we inspire each other brother, and we learn from each other as well. I can honestly say without guys like you and many others I probably wouldn’t be where I am right now, truly and I can’t thank you guys enough for everything. @Mithridate you my brother, you are a godsend, pretty incredible the things I’ve been able to do and achieve with a little help from my homies. I’ve got the utmost respect for ALL of you. And the inspiring, encouraging words you always give and for always having my back. I’ve been extremely blessed to have friends and fam like you all and I do not take lightly nor for granted the kindness, generosity and friendship each and every one of you has exhibited to me over the years. Much love and respect ALL OF YOU :facepunch:t2:


Reinvigorated or at the meh point? @Foreigner


Still meh but at the cusp of reinvigoration.


Bro, hit me up if you just wanna shoot the ish, ask questions or whatever. If I can help revitalize your outlook or just give you some energy/drive I’m down. Always ALWAYS down to help if need be. For real, sometimes it’s just emptying, cleaning/sterilizing and then diving into some cultivars that truly excite you, or maybe it’s just switching things up a bit, new nutes, new media etc. When I’m running genetics I’m truly ecstatic about i find my grows tend to be a bit more precise, as opposed to when I was running for yield , bag appeal etc. it was much more monotonous . Or maybe go out, grab that pack you’ve been wanting but neglected to pull the trigger on for months, pop that and watch your intrigue come back ten fold. We’ll get ya back on track


Ya those of us doing this for very long periods of time it tends to come and go doesn’t it…. I look at it like my home, every few years I go nuts and switch everything around, try and get new items , pictures, Knick knacks or a new tv or two to bring new life into the same old same old place we sit every evening etc. And always for a month maybe two it works, then slowly starts to slide back towards meh 🫤. I think having an understanding of this and recognizing when it’s becoming an issue is key to being able to recognize and fix the situation. Like honestly I haven’t though this hard about this concept until , well right now. And it’s like I’ve had an epiphany! I think if I can keep cultivars I’m truly excited about and love, do my proper resets/disinfecting and have my loyal , awesome crew around me with kind words and encouragement as well as adding new items etc. periodically to revitalize the grow spaces etc. I can probably avoid the MEH phase all together…… definitely going to try, can’t hurt. See, just like that INSPI (mothaf@&$ing) RATION I LOVE IT! Also same goes for you as I told Mr.Jones, just hmu if needed and I’ll do my best to help in any way/shape form needed.


Know the feeling some days I question why am I still growing .
Not like I’m gonna run out of smoke any time soon.


It ebbs and flows. I don’t think I’ll be buying any more jars. The ones I have are more than enough for a multi year supply.

I’m telling myself I’m doing a flower run for Mrs Foreigner and a micro seed project for myself.

For the man who has everything.

Just need to pull the trigger.


Ok I’m starting a toll free line 1-800- mehd out


It’s cuz we love it bro! Just need to remind ourselves why at times. Same goes for you, just hmu ANYTIME as I’m sure you know. Oh and SURPRISE I just popped 5 GP X SL yesterday.


I’d be lost with out the interaction of this site . If it closed that might just be enough to hang up the hobby.


Yeah. It lets me be vacant but still active/social in the right place to formulate my next move.


I definitely feel you on that bro. OG is a god send!