TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

few updated pics, the last in the back will be coming down soon SHES just fattening up, these buds are ROCK HARD, perhaps the most density I’ve EVER gotten. It’s just crazy tbh. The pink Kush is shining through unmistakably now in the scent and the frost is really heavy as well. Heading towards flush now. The end is in sight.


this is a new one for me, have dubbed it the spider fang mutation.


I can honestly say these have outperformed anything I have grown in RDWC thus far. The speed/vigour of growth , the density , the ability to shrug off stressors , fluctuations and honestly just the basic ease of growth. I think with a good live soil mix and some RO water on a drip you could let these GO, JUST GO! The God Bud has reinvigorated the Pink everywhere it could, because all the minor downfalls I’ve always found with the pink Kush strains I’ve grown or have seen grown are just not present in this pairing. The density of these buds could definitely be a hinderance to some with humidity issues or just a lot of rain w/outdoor. And the amount of leaf is the only issue I have, it’s like she just NEEDS lots of fans, when I took an excessive amount of sun leaf/fans (excessive to me is nothing to many others) she halted growth, every single time. She just generally hates defoliation, all four phenos but one a bit less than the others as she still grew just very very slow. I’ve lightly defoliated at certain points for the last 10-12 grows, with mostly similar results even from drastically differing strains. I have clones of the 4 remaining phenos , and depending on finished product I will most likely revisit this strain again I can already say with confidence.


That’s different… :thinking:
How many blades on that leaf?



13 counting the spider fangs .


Veg tent all cleaned, disinfected and ready to rock.


Shiny well done :+1:

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can’t get enough of this lady, while all others are still greenish, just lightly beginning to fade, she has taken on full purple and reds, and has a slight Candy smell mixed in with the dank, absolutely ROCK HARD NUGS, and they just look absolutely flawless. This is pheno 4 (my lucky number btw) now I’m curious to run this again with a different method (soilless) and see how she performs. Needless to say I think I may be on to something as she has shown so many outstanding traits that if nothing else I’d love to steal her health and ability to shrug off ANYTHING to a few other strains. Could care less about colour tbh although it just adds to the bag appeal, and so many love it, it’s definitely not a bad trait.


close up of a smaller perfect side bud


Daym that’s purdy


Why thank you sir, definitely a gorgeous plant, all around she’s a winner in almost every category. Can’t wait to do a smoke test on this one. 0ppm starts today


I’m VERY late, but great thread. Plants look dank and your setup is solid. Amazed you can get the LED that close. My girls have a taco party if I drop it even half that distance. I’ll be stopping by more regularly to admire.


Definitely had some serious tacoing happening the last few weeks but I had no choice so I left it normally it’s about 16” but here it’s probably like 10” which made a significant difference only in the taco and some foxtails but that was also from the different feed rates and finishes as the one just wants to be done, like now but I planned on another week or so tbh, so I’ve been drastically dropping my ppms to accommodate her because she truly is seeming “special” thus far. I find tacoing is the warning sign :warning: and bleaching is where she’s screaming for help and basically being killed, and being this close I just left it and went without UV this time around,Thanks for stopping by and your kind words . @TreeTops


For sure, bro. This is my first run with an LED and the signs of light stress are quite different. I’m prob a little over concerned due to being unfamiliar, but I agree in that bleaching is the “oh shit” moment whereas taco-ing is the “ring the alarm.” I’d rather not see the bleaching :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


that pink god #4 is looking pretty i might say. gonna be some killer bag appeal man congratz


Sorry it took so long to find the place TopShelf. The directions you gave were crap. lol

I’m dialed in now. :v:


Haha no worries my friend. I’m bad at directions so it makes sense lol. Glad to have you @MoBilly


Something about turn right at the old tree, and left at the cow. Doesn’t he realize the cow moves?


:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:
I’ve gotten directions very similar to that. LOL.


As have I…. You should hear the directions I get while fly/float fishing . “Down the river, by the big tree, where all the Little Rock’s are on the shore, you know where the water picks up speed” thanks, describes 80% of the curves on the entire 14 mile section of river. Thanks :man_facepalming:t2: