TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Why thank you , @vinny_verde it’s amazing to me how much cleaner this method is in general ( I know you are referring to plants but it made me think) I’m so anal about cleanliness , my wife loves it cuz I’m a clean freak but at times it doesn’t help my anxiety. This is definitely the way to go for like minded people as other than the UNAVOIDABLE falling leaves here and there the dirt and grime is pretty much non existent, and since I went sterile even the water sludge is non existent too, good for piece of mind.


I understand and I meant more than just the plants. I can always see when someone has their game very tight. And you do sir.


If you’re a super clean freak you can probably wipe out all the plant pathogens in your grow. That’s what I do. Sweep, vacuum and swiffer the place like a maniac. Probably less dust there than on my computer lol!


@vinny_verde thank you again my friend, @JoeCrowe lol I tell people if you can even find a speck of dust/dirt/grime in my finished product you put it there lol. Hey, that’s the best way to be , my grandma always said cleanliness is next to godliness and so is some good cannabis so I’ll get my taste of heaven right here I guess


some bud development, definite heavy trichome development and that number 4 just keeps looking more and more unique as the days pass, she was the only girl that didn’t shoot for the sky constantly, instead she chose to stay low, spread out slightly and just shoot bud sites from absolutely everywhere, and kept redeveloping sites as I removed them from the lowers, she is an absolute blooming beast! The scent dominates everything even when only opening the door slightly for 10 seconds , just the way I like it :drooling_face:


you can see the sheer size/depth of the buds forming and joining absolutely everywhere in this one, still feeding at highest nutrient level I go, ( 900-1000ppm ) Day 47F


you gonna strip em down any and get the light through that beautiful canopy ?


Are you flowering with t5s? How do you like them?

thats def a bar light LED fixture.


Yes it’s an LED , RayonLED720W and I love this fixture. @204medismoke yep, today’s the day , will be minimal though .


Think you’ve got to say it three times to summon someone :wink:

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Lol. That how it works brother @Kyumonryu


@SonsOfAvery here it is my friend, couldn’t figure out how to post a link or attach this grow to my main page. And for everyone else apologies on my lack of posts, had a really bad couple weeks (like unheard of) and to cap it off spent most of the night in the hospital with my son who chipped a bone on his ankle and was in excruciating pain. Man ! Being in a hospital in Covid times is scary, all these sick people coughing all over, touching everything not washing their hands. Grrrr my anxiety levels were not far from my all time high . He is fine now and they sent us home with some meds, some crutches and an air cast. But I shall get an update on here today or tomorrow the latest , starting to get semi close and I’m STOOOOKED! Because after this I’m changing things up a wee bit and adding some more realty 100%


Can I ask if you find a benefit from the UV lighting?


Yes we’ve noticed a difference for sure, basically it’s like using bud factor x, without the need for bud factor X, stickiness and frost definitely increased, not sure by how much but visually noticeable 100% and went from being sticky to GG4 (grown right) sticky. Like throw a bud at the wall she may just stay there sticky. Although I’ve been told (haven’t seen or tested myself) that there’s a FL UV that really packs a punch and helps increase even more. My mentor, myself and another associate did some side by sides about 1&3/4-2 years back, and then did a second after the initial results as they seemed too good to be true. I’m definitely happy with them but there are cheaper options. The older RayonLED with UV was not nearly as productive for UV but this newer one seems to be in the right parameters to affect some change. We’ve recently decided to start sending off most strains for testing rather than just the super super special ones. I plan on doing another side by side in the near future and comparing the results


here’s a quick pic I took before running out for a bit. I’ll add better , more detailed pics up tomorrow.


@TopShelfTrees1 thanks for the tag, I’ll I’ll sticking around and keeping an eye on what you have going here. Looks like a great set up that you’re running.

Hope your son has a quick recovery too!


Thank you :pray:t2: it means a lot , honestly. And I’m very glad to have you. as for my setup , I honestly love it but still have it far from dialed . Hopefully another run or two before I have it at least figured out. I personally feel I vegged too long, did not defoliate enough in the earlier stages. And I tried the 5.5” net pots and lids (I also have 8” and I feel it inhibited the root spread somewhat and encouraged lateral growth even more which further increased my “root reach” issue. I’m happy I got this far with these still looking quite good as I find pink kush to be quite finicky and hard to train, this was not, obviously from the God Bud. I just wish everyone could smell it in there! Sheeeesh, she danks HEAVY!


Top Shelf indeed my ghee, just read through your thread.

I’ll just leave this here…

Uncle Al and your boy Kimbo, deadly combination

“the piff stay lit”


Epic my friend, EPIC , God I miss that man and his personality! thanks for stopping by brother, glad to have you. R.I.P to the gawd! @FattyRoots the piff definitely stays lit, I often still smoke one with P when I’m reminiscing about the good old days. Was actually just speaking with Bernadette the other day. Hard to believe it’s been 7 years! Time sure doesn’t slow as we age , does it?