TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I’m not allergic but if one flies near me I will wreak the place to get away chairs tables women kids haha

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Haha I 100% feel you, I once had one fly in my waders while fishing, 45 seconds I had boots off, waders off, Rod flung in the water and I was soaked! But the stupid wasp was gone.


i hate them…vicious vicious animals. Would kill anything they can catch, me included if i was stupid.
They come into the neighboorhood, jump fences, eat little dogs, get into trash cans too. At 2am if i ride my ebike around ill see them running in our streets. They would kill a child too no boubt.

They are beautiful, ones here are mangy looking, not sick, just dirty and disarry, if i am carrying when i see one ill shoot it. 5 years ago was out with a single dog, he was a pup…5 of them came out and tracked us at about 35 yards off our tail…right at sundown. Came within 5 feet of my boy, trying to get him to come away from me. Thought i was gonna lose him to be honest. They followed us out of the woods, across an open 200 acre park, and to within 5 feet of my back gate. Sacred the shit out of me.
They were about 45 pounds id say, and NASTY looking.

so sorry to hear pls make sure you watch for infection cats are really bad for that. that musta been painful

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Holy shit, giving me a different perspective for sure! That would change my outlook too, sometimes I wish I had an open carry, still not sure if I could pop one, I’m getting soft in my old age I guess. But they touch a dog, I’d be sold! Death

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Good call, got nastiness in those claws!

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when we were little my brother came running uo to me and my Mom. Screaming and crying there is a bee in his ear.

Said it was humming so loud it hurt. Mom looked in his ear…"OH Jim, its just a little bee and its dead.

As she pulled it out, another, huge bee, flew out of his ear…


That would traumatize me for life! My buddy drank a coke while we were doing his roof, had a few in it, tripped , rolled off the roof, got up instantly kept running spitting everywhere. No one knew what happened it was surreal we thought he was possessed! Stupid bees/wasps


holy shit that musta been wild lol he musta been freaking out bad haha

i love animals, and not found of shooting them, but i will protect my pack and me too.

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Don’t be telling me that : )

he was like 5 years old…he remembers it to this day…

Most definitely. If it came down to me/my girl/my family they would be dead in a heartbeat brother 100%

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Thik about it…they KILL every day …or they dont eat…

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Haha I was picturing you reading that laughing to my mentor. I said oh boy he’s squirming “we’re laughing hysterically over here btw”

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So true, it’s just natural for them, sucks that they are so close to cities and towns now but it’s par for the course

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@Jetdro was just jokin

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we can open carry or concealed carry here…with no license …it’s TEXAS…everyone has a gun here


joking bout waht @ifish

That funny bee joke of course

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