TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Works every time.


Huck Finn over here.

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Yup. Only I have to use a longer rope than this guy. You think I joke? You would be wrong. lol
I’ve used rope a great many times.


Good call on the ratchet belt too. Nice, maybe next time I won’t have to poke a hole or two. Someone gave me a coach belt for Christmas years ago (thing was like 280$ I found out :man_facepalming:t2:) I poked a couple holes and when my wife found out she’s like who pokes holes with a knife in a 300$ belt, I lol’d thought she was joking, until she showed me on her phone. That was the last new belt I received also .


Were you rafting with a straw hat at the time. :rofl:

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I actually used a shoelace before when in need, no joke.


No. I was roping goats.

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Ratchet belt no more holes to poke or a little to loose or tight. Ratchet to a perfect fit.

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Makes perfect sense then! Roping goats sounds like so much fun

Hell used a piece of plastic grocery bags to tie two belt loops together cause no belt, belt broke whatever lol


Ingenuity…. Who needs a Stinkin belt ? :joy:

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Zip ties over belts.

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I’ve thought “These jeans are tight enough. No need for a belt” and find out I was wrong when wrestling goats. Injuries to my lower abdomen make belts a pain. Literally.
I’ve got baling twine all over the barn sooooo. Instant belt.


Better to be laughed at for the grocery bag than to be laughed at because of your heart print boxers. lol

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Or your Commando :grimacing: Careful might see the smallest peepee in the world.

I ain’t touching that one @ColeLennon !!!
Did that come out wrong??? Oh well, it’s true either way.

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When I was in FL. I wore knee length cargo shorts constantly commando. There was a couple times I might have been in mixed company when my shorts fell. To make light of the situation I would say that. “Careful now, might see the smallest peepee in the world”



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Just lucky you weren’t there.

Could not agree more!

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