TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Lmao, it’s always amazing the conversations we have on here. Never ceases to amaze me. Couple more years I can write a book :closed_book:


I’m gonna invent a new pants holder. You all have inspired me. Look out Shark Tank here I come.


Nice! Do it I’ve got first dibs, I’ll be a tester :wink:

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@misterbee thank you sir :pray:t3: just got your care package , thank you for the surprise I’m stoked!


LOL I missed this one. :laughing:
I used a boot string a few times too. lol

It’s what we do right, improvise and overcome ! :facepunch:t2:

Live by it.

Same , even more so now :facepunch:t2:

Yeah, age brings along changes with it. lol
Staying one jump ahead can be tricky.
Preventive maintenance helps slow it down but everything drops eventually. My chest is just above my belt line now!!! No shit man!!! I’m like a pear that was turned on end where the stem is pointing up.

Bahaha sorry for laughing but that was too funny. I’m trying my ass off to prevent things from taking hold to early, chsnged a lot of things, been exercising and working out again albeit slowly to start , eating MUCH better, less coffee and even my mindset on many things, until very recently if just lose my shit, instantly and I’ve ended up hurting many people because of it, WAY TOO MANY, now I just ignore, walk away for the most part. But…… there’s still a line trust me I just moved it much farther out :wink:


Since my last procedure I am getting back on top of it. A lot of what we do on the place is very physical so I still have a strong core. Serious muscle tone in my abs and legs just from working around here.
My problem is I love food. We eat a lot that we grow but I can’t expect to eat what two people can survive on and expect to not carry extra weight. That’s very hard on my knees and back so I have been working at getting back to a reasonable weight (~220 lbs). After the accident I started putting on the weight from boredom eating. I made the turn at around 305 lbs. I’m around 265 now. At 6’1" that is just too much. But like I said, I love good food and my wife doesn’t know how to not cook awesome meals.


I feel you on all fronts, I’m 6’2” so we’re around the same ideal weight, my biggest problem is being lazy for a few weeks then I got hit with that kidney shit which layed me out for 3 weeks , a month plus of doing nothing and then three weeks of barely eating really did a number on me. Glad to hear you are making ground, that’s not an easy feat . Respect , you’ve got this . Just keep grinding :facepunch:t2:


We’ll give each other a kick in the right direction when needed bro.

Exactly! Great idea and bet on it

Many of yours get me laughing, not just on the inside but out loud. :crazy_face: You’re a clever fellow. …But no jokes allowed.

There. I just awarded a whole slew of likes. …Haven’t reached my limit yet, so I’ve got some more reading to do.

@420noob Re Euchre: It seems to be more popular in the midwestern and northeastern states than elsewhere. I went to school in the midwest, where one of my housemates and I won an intramural Euchre tournament. We won T-shirts and a case of beer – which, at the time, was a pretty good prize. :trophy:


Lol in from the mitten. Everyone wants to play spades or bid wiz everywhere else

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damn Like monitor. I’m gonna give likes all I want, and this thing wont stop me /s


When I’m out of likes sometimes I comment the heart emoji instead haha it can’t stop me from doing that at least @leetdood


for every 100 posts read you should get 10 likes added. for every 100 posts made in a week should get an extra 50 likes per day the next week and carry on… or allow us to trade likes as currency haha i will send you 10 beans for 50 likes !!