TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

these are the best invention for fat ppl no more belt pain under belly. welcome you fat fux !


A man can’t handle that kind of power.


Morning folks happy Sunday!!


Good morning everyone


Goodmorning y’all.

So my master bathroom flooded this morning.

Very glad I caught it this early as my walk in closet that I turned into a flower space is attached to the master bathroom. It is nearly completely sealed, but I’m pretty sure where the vinyl flooring meets the wall water may could pass through if it flooded bad enough.

Now I gotta figure out this plumbing issue, but have a good day everyone!


Good morning guys. Damn @Weednerd.Anthony glad you found it before it got too bad, had an issue with my shut off valve recently as well, dripped into the ceiling of my bathroom below and made a hole, had to dry, then spray everything to kill mold, replace the shut off valve etc. still have to fix the hole. Hope you get it figured out.


Oh man I’ve been there before but it was more like a group of squirrels living in our house (rental) and they were in between the 2nd floor and ceiling and chewed thru water lines. Our landlord didn’t fix it for 6 months and I had to catch and release all the squirrels by myself 2 of which got in the house. My fiances cat who is about the size of a squirrel was carrying one around in her mouth like a trophy and my fiance was like omg drop it well yeah it was alive lmao


The other one was in the closet I opened it to grab a tool high af and was like nope there’s a squirrel staring me in the face and slowly closed it and said yep that’s a job for tomorrow. Well my fiance is like what’s wrong and I’m like oh there’s a squirrel about eye level just don’t open that door. Needless to say she didn’t believe me and she got pounced on by a squirrel and then her and our daughter were screaming bloody murder. Fun times


Bahaha! Crazy, those little buggers are crazy! I’ve been attacked in attics before , little things bite too! That sounds like an absolute shitshow! Gotta love landlords huh? 6 months :man_facepalming:t2: sounds about right for most sadly @HighTilliDie


You might want to check local laws but you may be able to deduct the catching of the squirrels from your rent since the LL didn’t do it in a timely manner forcing you to pay for it. Again check your local laws to see if this is possible for you.


Good call, and exterminators are not cheap! :facepunch:t2:


Especially catch and release pest control. Those guys are hella expensive.


Deduct the cost of a .22 and ingredients for gravy lol! :yum:


Good morning everybody :coffee: :sunglasses:


Shoot I didn’t pay for it im a broke mf! Lmao we live out in the country my mom gave me a live trap and I just caught them and released them at her house 20 miles away. Shitty part is the landlord knows everyone in town and everyone is his buddy. He got away with both rentals ive been in from him not being up to code just tons of junky repairs. Unfortunately everyone is on his side even the city inspector is his friend same with my mom’s husband thats his best friend so it’s like shh let’s sweep that under the rug and act like it never happened


Ahhh man! That definitely sucks :disappointed:

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I hear some squirrels are great eating. Either Brown tail or Red tail. Just takes like 10 of them to get a decent amount of meat.


We ended up catching 7 squirrels and then taught our dog to tear into them. Found out rhe neighbor behind us feeds them peanuts everyday so she can watch the bjrds eat because the squirrels were bullying the birds so I let the dog out right after she puts down peanuts and so far her kill count is 4 squirrels. She’s a pitbull mixed with Jack Russell and deer legged chihuahua 4 years old next month and full sized. She looks goofy but we love her and she keeps them squirrels at bay!


@InTheWoods me and my uncle used to eat squirrels and coons he would catch. He always said don’t eat the private parts we cut that out because if you do it’ll make you want to f a squirrel lmao! One time we ran over a bunny on the dirt bike and my uncle came out blew its head off with a blackpowder pistol point blank range and then we skinned it and my grandma made rabbit stew! I definitely love the country I just need my own property and land out there


Doesn’t look much bigger than a squirrel have to watch she doesn’t get a licking from boss squirrel. Lol