TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

That’s what I look for in my smoke right there.
I’m going to be growing some daytime energy soon (Vortex and some Vietnamese Black) but pain control and sleep are the reason I began smoking.

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Cryptic Labs had those up at GLG some time back. I got some and grew them poorly. I may have some. Not sure about any claims.
That shitty run included several others. I was pretty new to indoor and made several big errors. All at once. I threw my mess at another forum and here I am now. I think you were in on this @TopShelfTrees1 I know @shag watched. @SHSC-1 for sure. @Kind024 . Forgive me if I left you out.
You guys are still here. So am I. I’d like to think my growing skills have improved. Still full of crap. But…where before I was asking for help, now I can occasionally offer some. Even if it’s just words of encouragement. Or seeds cuz the person fried theirs…like I do. I don’t tell people what to do. @shag used to provide me answers buried in links of cool reading material. Cool to me.
I ask questions I was asked, so they knew how to answer.what soil, nutes, ph, environment questions. I answered a lot of my own questions, learning tons along the way. Well not tons. A couple #s maybe?
So yea…


Hey @Emeraldgreen . You hit a mental reset with your UBC comment. Thanks for that. If I still have some, I’m willing to give them to you.

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@crownpoodle Brother ! You’ve come an incredibly long way in a short period of time. And in an avenue I know nothing about LSO it’s what I’m dying to try but need to either get a chunk of cash or build up amendments slowly

That’s super cool. I just ordered some from woodhorse genetics. He has a pack or two of pure chemo and I just couldn’t hold back :joy:. Now I wish I had held off :joy:. Sounds like a great plant pure or crossed to a sativa. Any chance you all could point me to a grow or such?

Oh nice! I didn’t know he had the ubc! Wish I had coin, been kicking myself since but I know he really wanted some and he’s blessed me so …. But now I wish I just did a repro then shared em everywhere! :man_facepalming:t2:


I’ll see if I can find you some pics or a thread to compare too, no worries

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I think what’ll happen is we can all rotate the purchasing around a group of us and share! This way we could get more stuff and not be broke all the time :joy: I say this for purely selfish hoarding reasons—full transparency


Freaking love that idea tbch


You technically are making a repro possible! Your doing one now so having him do it will probably get it done faster with some extra goodies!


Well crap. What I have is Grape Crush x UBC CHEMO.


Much appreciated regardless brother, said it before and will again. You are an absolute gem :gem: much much respect :facepunch:t2:


Hey speaking of random grow questions, what nutes does everybody use? I got an earth juice sugar leak kit I won at the little grow shop was gonna try. Anybody ever use any of the earth juice stuff ?


I use maxi bloom and gypsum. Its been so long in the past I don’t even remember what I used to use.


I’m a jacks fan myself


Yeah? I see a lot of the people run the general hydro stuff. And keep hearing about jacks? How long have you guys ran it?

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I’ve been running it around 7+ years Really hard to beat it for price and quality from my experience


I’ve been running maxi bloom for a few years now. I run the bloom from seedling to end product. That’s the only food they know. It’s worked pretty well for my needs. Grows some big hearty plants. I caught them when they were changing up their packaging and everyone’s stock with the old artwork on it hit rock bottom prices, so I stocked up. I’ve heard nothing but good about jacks. Might give them a try when I run out of this maxi.


I’ve recently switched from GH to Jacks. Gone from a stupid “mix 1.66ml of this with .57 ml of that to 1 gal of water” to “mix 1 tea to 1 gal of water.” Plus its cheaper. :smiley:


You feeding any particular schedule feeding?