TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

@Indicana_Jones and @Habitt do you guys have to ph your nutes every feeding?


I use octopups so I dont need to ph the water. I use RO water but I never ph it, just mix and go.


I roll with a 55 gallon res and the res gets 1 cup of maxi and 1 cup of gypsum. When they start getting fed as seedlings I hit them with a way lighter dose of the two. Maybe 1/5.

@Hotrods_and_hounds since I cut fish shit and power si out of my mixture, my water and nutes mix automatically brings my water to right around 5.8

That’s tits. It’s like the 25 ml of fish shit and 20 or what ever ml of power si I was putting into the 55 gallons was throwing the pH off by 2.0


Had to show off this girl gushmints x alien mintz… just a beautiful sour candy apple ish smell with a dank back end… first time snelling her as a branch was flipped so i went to prop it up and my arm hairs are stuck to skin oh my


That sounds like fire! Nice @204medismoke


@Hotrods_and_hounds im running Athena right now to see how I like it, few additives as well. Pretty straightforward still not sure on it yet though :thinking:


I got tired of constantly needing supplements with every over the counter brand I tried so I did some deep research and came up with my own 3 part formula (well, 4 parts if you count the micro, which I leave separated). From what I found out all those nutrients work in collaboration with one another and the ratios to one another are super important. So brands that put the micro in with the macro can not mathematically be giving the plant enough micro unless you are using the product at full strength. Several of the macro’s work with the micros to do their thing so it seems logical that all the time one feeds a young plant at less than full strength it is not receiving nearly enough micros which can lead to deficiencies all over the board. I think most those corporate brands are designed to lead one to buy more supplements.


Any idea what a cup of each hits for ppm? I do not check my #s but about once a week. Run off sooner if I see a problem. Kool Bloom powder drops my ph pretty hard, so I check that. All the ph feed charts show nutes have a range they work in. I try and be accurate measuring, but not to the overkill level. My plants might be able to be grown better,but I like nutes that are a little forgiving. Over/ under. Let the plants decide what they need.
I have more than one strain, at different points in flower. Forgiving nutes are nice.


Also thanks for all the replays on your guys setups, I have never really ran nutes more always soil and top dressing but want to learn how to run some coco or something else for fun.


This is for sure. I have some Kool bloom but only ever used it near the end of my last run since everything drinks out of the same toilet bowl.

I wanna say my EC is at like 2.9 or so but even then I rarely check that. Not sure about ppm. Never check that. Really as long as my pH is in line we are rocking. When my system is full they are drinking the full 55 gallons every 3 weeks sometimes.


Appreciate any and all information. I was growing outside in 20s and 30s. “Relatively” organic. Those big pots full of all manner of stuff, fed mostly compost tea, root and foliar are real forgiving. Indoors in small pots. You need your stuff dialed pretty tight. I did not. So I started learning about salts.
By no means did I claim organic ever, but still preferred smoking my own weed.


I like using both organic and salts in my 30’s of Coco/Container mix and perlite/vermiculite. I find it easier to dial in. Much quicker. Frequent feedings low and steady wins the race.


I’ve had people convinced I was growing organically when I was running salts. They genuinely didn’t believe me when I told them I was pure salts.
Frequent low ppm feeding is definitely the way to go


I believe it. Salts is what’s up… Organics for supplements is also pretty pretty pretty good. ~larry david.


Heh heh. I tried a couple of plants out doors year before last. They were pathetic. I figured I could put them in some coast of Maine soil and just forget about them. They never got bigger than about a foot tall and made some of the shittiest larfiest buds I ever did see. I’m gonna refigure out for this next season and grow some monsters like @ColeLennon.


I’m running big plants in tiny pots so I’m WAY over manufacturers recommendations on fert dosages. It’s the only way to keep them fed.


Take a 15, 20, or 30-gallon pot and fill it with equal amounts of loose coco coir, organic container mix, and perlite. Start them low and slow and bump 20% every feeding until you see it. Continue that for each growth phase. It’s why I love the coco.

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Its like feeding them moonshine with a thimble. It obviously works your plants love it.


I don’t know if I’ve ever asked this before, but given the root space and medium, do you think you could veg for like 6 months over winter and then move them outside in the spring?


Six months is a long time. I started this year April inside. Topped way more than I would suggest.
They will get there even if you plant 10 inch clones last week of May. Last year.