TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Haha sounds like Niagara, I bet we have that many now, it’s stupid. But it’s for the tourists. You can’t go far without passing one and they are hard to miss! Lol
Glad you had a nice dinner and time with the fam


Im gonna be honest, I go for the ham before I go for turkey myself. You familiar with Virginia ham? You familiar with Smithfield? I live about 15-20 mins from Smithfield. I got a direct plug to the best hams on earth.


Come burn one with me


Oh damn! I’ve heard of Virginia ham, not Smithfield but now I want one! I’m a huge ham guy


On it brother

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What’s Virginia ham? Also like Smithfield the meat company ? Breakfast sausage and stuff?


Yep. That Smithfield. Their pig game is outrageous.

@TopShelfTrees1 I’ll send you a Virginia ham for Xmas.

@Jetdro are you a Virginiar too? I need to get my old lady’s uncle back up here. He used to do a pig pickin every year. Her whole family is some pig cooking sons o guns.


Jet is a Texan, I was looking online at that place actually, Smithfield. Definitely sounds killer. You guys got all that killer bbq too! Just like Texas.


There is an old wives tale. Turkeys will look up in a rainstorm and drown themselves. Gobble gobble. :turkey:

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Lol…I smoked the exodus cheese from greenhouse when they submitted it for the cannabis cup in 2011 or 2012. It was alright, I guess…lol. GHS gear is spotty, at best. I ran their super silver haze in 2009 I think…again…it was alright, I guess…lol

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I feel like I knew that. My brain is straight mush right now. But yeah. Virginia and North Carolina know how to do a pig. I had never had pulled pork until I moved here. Hell it was even probably until I met my wife and she was like “oh hell nawl! You’re eating some pulled pork right now.” Haha.

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Haha omg I love pulled pork! We have rib fest here, actually I posted a pic from there this summer. I always grab pulled pork! Love that shit!


Their OG 18 was fire wayyyy back.

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You were not joking googled Virginia ham and Smithfield and they got all kinds of killer looking cuts.


My cousin that dropped off all of his plants with me has a big ass smoker. He can cook like 15-20 butts at a time. He does a lot of pulled pork dinner fundraisers and stuff. The boys got skills I tell ya.

And guess what… I’m all out. Hold these :heart::heart::heart:


Haha makes two of us…. This damn like stuff kills me!

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I know right I was drooling on my screen

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Haha. Go into the Virginia thread and say something like “I had some Virginia ham and it wasn’t all that,” and see what happens.


Lmmfao incite a damn riot!

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Get ghosted by a pig.