TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Bahahaha yes!

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Iā€™m about the same distance away from Kiteā€™s Country Ham in Madison, VA. They specialize in VA ham and have unsliced slab bacon that is just heaven.


Itā€™s like buying a pair of pantsā€¦better too long than too short. A good lung room is always helpful. And sounds like youā€™ve got a plan of the hobby falls by the wayside after 3 harvests and 100 pounds of bud from your warehouse of weedā€¦lol. I couldnā€™t imagine having that much space to grow inā€¦my wet dream!

You guys got me googling all sorts of shit tonight! Gonna need to put a bib on! You had me at uncut slab for sure! :drooling_face:

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Same! Literally


Everyone on here knows that you fill up whatever space you have! :joy:

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How many 2 liters can we fit in a 20ā€™ x 50ā€™ :face_with_monocle::thinking:

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Haha and then you fill it vertically, and then you start asking your kidsā€¦. You moving out soon, find a place yet? Lol , but seriously I think Iā€™d have enough with that one.


Haha Iā€™m literally grinning ear to ear just picturing it. Iā€™d sell everything I got to fill that bitch and pimp it out! Lord knows Iā€™ve got the beans!


Iā€™d go to raised beds :joy: Less work after itā€™s all set up.
@TopShelfTrees1 YOU would definitely run out of room!

Gonna have to build it first. My wife knows me too well and if she slips up even once or turns her back for too long, this whole fucking house is full of weed. :joy: all windows are boarded up super trap house style.


Yeah theyā€™re Super Lemon Haze is solid. I havenā€™t tried any others.

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Most definitely! God it would be funā€¦. Hey @Indicana_Jones maybe Iā€™ll just come to Virginia instead :wink: bbq and a share in a 20x50 plus close by my other homies too like @FirstCavApache64 im in!


Question is this 1000 Sh just for flower or are you vegging and drying in there also?
Space will go fast

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Is it cold in Virginia?..I can just pass out in the backyard.

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The whole works. 2 flower rooms a veg room. Clone/mother room. I was looking at a walk in canatrol drier. For some reason my credit score has been jumping up and up and up here recently. Itā€™s like the universe telling me to go take out a loan to make this happen.

@TopShelfTrees1 we got a spare bedroom. Once I build out the workshop, Iā€™ll have 2 spare bedrooms. You can sleep in one and weā€™ll smoke hams in the other :joy::joy::joy:


Hell yes! Iā€™m inā€¦. Walk in cannatrol :drooling_face:, ham smoking room! :drooling_face: omg yup Iā€™m sooo in!


Sounds like the perfect size to me!


Hell no, and hell yes, under the Virginia stars, the scent of smoked ham wafting through the air followed by dank ass bud! Sounds like paradise to me :wink:


Youā€™ll need a cold room, for making sausages and hash too