TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

It is, I love the VA mountains. Total privacy, reasonable land prices, good hunting and fishing and legal weed. What more can I ask for?


Very good call! And suppresata :drooling_face:


Now you guys are just getting carried away…lol…jk…keep going

That does sound like paradise to me! Hell I gotta drive like 3 hours to the closest mountain and it’s not really a mountain tbch but a great ski hill if you don’t mind short runs. I’ve wanted to fish Virginia for 20 years! Great trout fishing out there

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Looks like we’re building a cellar @Indicana_Jones ! I better get my ass in shape!


We eat well too. Tonight’s red beans and rice with chorizo sausage. I’m getting low on venison but bow season opened this weekend and there will be fresh meat soon.


My kinda meal! Now I want chorizo, been a while, I love that shit! And red beans and rice…. Come on a damn staple! Never been bow hunting but I can shoot a bow pretty good. You guys should be Spokespeople for VA for real! I’m already packing!


I have several native trout streams in about 15 minutes from home and stocked creeks are all over this area. I’m more into catfish and bass myself but it’s fun to catch a rainbow or brownie for dinner every now and then. I can hunt from my backyard lol.

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Oh man! I love it! That’s where I wanna go to live out the rest of my life…. :star_struck: probs cheaper than this place too, it got stupid out here. Maaaan I’m so down, and I’ve already got a guide. Wicked!

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You’re right. I should dig down and make this thing 2 stories. Lol 2000sq ft. My wife’s gonna kill me.


Bahaha “honey I have a friend coming by, he’ll be digging for the next 6 months after we jack up the house…. He’s taking the spare room and we’re gonna build the little grow room :wink: and then a full on basement addition with upgraded power supply. We need it for our ham/sausage and freezer rooms”



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“Btw I just got a 150000$ loan too “ :money_with_wings:


We can drop a trailer in the front yard for all the nieces and nephews to live in. We’re gonna need an on site labor force!


:rofl: yes! Good call I’ll bring my sons!

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BAAAHAHAAAAAA!!! Right down to the 15k loan…so good…lol
Laughing out loud in an empty cafeteria at my phone…I’m so grown up rn


And now I put it out there…. I’m gonna hope it into submission. Not gonna lie I was laughing hysterically writing that @Tappy :joy:


And say it all nonchalantly…like it’s just a totally normal thing to do…lol…love it…good read.
Wine cellars were all the rage at one point…lol

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I can picture it now…. Then just turns and walks away like nothing and goes about his business while she stands there has on the floor ! :laughing:


Hahaha. I might be picking my teeth up off the floor.