TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Good morning fam. @Hotrods_and_hounds yes as soon as I have the room , I’m going to be doing a Bubba run.


Goodmorning folks…

Have a good day and be well!


You too @Weednerd.Anthony hope all is going well for you .


Good morning everybody!


Did this chorizo happen to be just off ossington? I had a sweet Portuguese butcher there.


Good morning :sunglasses: :coffee:

Off to mow some lawns, Hope everyone has a great day!


I used to date this Portuguese girl in Hamilton when I was like 15 years old, her dad made some of the best stuff , his chorizo was legendary. And I always went home with huge tubs of goodies it was insane. I still talk to her actually once in a while. Go figure she’s a real estate legend now. I always said her dad should have sold that stuff it killed any butcher bought stuff I ever got. Like no comparison it was hot AF though! But I used to live for spicy food, as I age I still love it but my body, not as much it’s a treat now :man_facepalming:t2:


Have fun! Have a great day yourself brotha man

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The best (best) thing about this butcher shop which would have made me a customer for life if I hadn’t moved away was that when I bought a thanksgiving turkey they gave me a free bag of frozen sardines. Not the 1” ones you get in a can but 12” long full ass fish. A little Panko butter and herbs in the cavity, throw them on the bbq, fucking amazing.


I’ve NEVER tried a sardine. Not once believe it or not. I would but just never have. That sounds pretty good actually. But I won’t try them on pizza, I can’t bring myself to ruin one of my favourite foods (when done RIGHT)


Back when turkeys etc from a butcher were affordable, not gonna lie I’ve been eating a lot more store bought meat the last few years! Butcher stuff is a treat anymore since prices skyrocketed :man_facepalming:t2: god I miss my New York strip steak subs with fried peppers, onions from my garden and some fresh provolone :drooling_face:


Seriously, fucking amazing. Greasy oily fish. I’ve never had anything like it. Forget the canned stuff. It’s not even the same thing.

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Now I gotta try this. I’m with ya that canned stuff isn’t the most intriguing. Next time I’m in TO with wheels (we take the train usually for Jays games and Sick Kids visits anymore) im gonna find this place and try and get some

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I explained this to some friends (canned = shit, this isn’t the same thing.) They were a bit squeamish at first but tried them and were very impressed to the point they became converts.

I’m not sure I could even find them where I live now.

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Ossington area right? I’m gonna investigate

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Correct. It’s called Nosso Tahlo.

It’s a blood on the apron type butcher if you take my meaning.


Oh I do. I’m so in! I love having excuses to explore Toronto anyway. I always loved it there, just not the traffic or driving whatsoever.


Loving it ! Plenty of things to check out and everybody’s been very welcoming.
Been pretty busy lately, got to catch up with things around here.


Glad you are brother. Very much so! @Trial-N-Error

There’s an excellent bakery next door too but the name escapes me.

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