TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I actually know the area (kind of) as soon as I saw the galleria I knew exactly where, I’ve probably walked past it tbh. Very cool! I already marked it on my map and put in a reminder


There used to be a really cool club just there that was a DJ dance hall but with bocce ball and shuffleboard. It was a blast. One of my first dates with Mrs Foreigner was there.

I think it’s gone now.


No way , that’s a killer combo ! I love bocce ball! Definitely unique, sounds like what you’d find in little Italy :laughing:

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It was one of those weird unique places that was just awesome.

You had to book the bocce and shuffleboard and the place was fucking jammed in Friday and Saturday nights.

That intersection became uber hip really fast. There was another club called Get Well that had old standup video game machines and pinball. Think: DigDug.

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Don’t let them confuse bait and food. I fished in the ocean mostly the last 20 years. A bag of 10" 'dines , I could troll up some nace halibut.

Haha! It’s funny you say that when we were ice fishing a couple years back nothing worked , 8 hours in my buddy pulls out sardines, sticks them on the jig tip, (we were using live minnows before all day) sure enough 15 mins later! FISH! pulls up a big ass ugly burbot! I’m like gimme that shit! And 5 mins later I pull in a big ass whitefish! I was like WTFF kind of magic is in these bitches! Gotta be the oils I suppose idk

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I’ve got lots of friends who crab commercially. Some boats use mink carcasses for hang bait. Said you could smell the boats if they fished near you. My crabber buddies are funny, all the older guys got forearms like Popeye. Or larger. Not much neck either.

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Minks huh? Crazy and the coats fetch top dollar too! Although I hate hearing that as I have many mink friends I feed at my fishing spots. One where I’m convinced its descendants of descendants since I was a boy as they will always come right up to my hip pack sniffing then to my wading boots and look up like “got any food in there bro” so I have been feeding their family for 30 years easy. And if I harvest a fish they’ll be right there just waiting for the entrails etc. love those little guys


That’s so cool! The mink sheds were pretty atrocious on all levels. They’d been breeding something real special they got to $ for. They were pretty scientific. Just like their horses, hogs, and Akitas. Top $. Smart biz folks.

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RKM strain


Sardines don’t go on pizza, you’re thinking anchovies… and they’re delicious on pizza! :bear::sweat_smile:


Oh ya…. Good call !

Is that the stuff they introduced when the minks were getting Covid?

Haha. I didn’t even question it. I was like hell yeah I’m not eatin sardines on pizza either.

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I’m also in the Pineapple on pizza club… with pepperoni and Jalapeño. :drooling_face:
And a tall glass of cold whole milk


Jalapeño or banana peppers I’m all in, not a pineapple guy though, but my wife loves it


Pine apple ham and black olives all day. Never get it though cuz my wife hates sweet meat.

I’m not touching that one :point_up:t3:


:joy::joy::joy::joy: good restraint right there!


I think a “that’s what she said” needs to be thrown out there :joy: