TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Good morning fam . Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! @m0sirys i wondered where you went, glad to have ya back!
@Indicana_Jones have fun ! I bet it’s a laugh EVERYTIME!

Going for breakfast with my wife and my dad in a bit, then to the plants!


thank you my friend iḿ glad to be back! :slight_smile: I was away to help out friend of mine. strange feeling not to be able to read on overgrow!

have a nice breakfast with your wife!!


Well you are a great friend! Thank you :pray:t3:

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GMO is a 14 week forum cut cookies cross to chem d. It’s loud AF and tasty for sure, but same bland cookies high and potency that’s in most cookies crosses. I think it’s a waste of time. Chem D by itself would better and finish quicker imo but you guys do you.


I have some mixed up hand me down seeds, labeled “t-1000 or Obama”, two of each…anybody have a seed pic? Maybe I can sort them out…lol that Obama sounds great



You don’t find she’s got more oomph? I’m beginning to think you smoke even more than me, I’ve cut down lately a bit but still 4-6 grams a day easy. I can’t wait to run through all of these cuts again and see how they compare to my memory of them. Gmo I’ve never grown, only smoked. My friend Dave (owns CE a Canadian flower producer on the underground market) his was first I tried it was not really the best imo. But I smoked some from headwaters and it blew me away. If nothing else it’s that terp profile, the savoury dank af mouth coating greasiness I really love.


Oh yeah, have for the last 23+ years.

I sadly don’t find she has any oomph at all :confused: ~30minutes or so and then nothing. I’ve not grown it myself either but I’ve had friends grow it, grow crosses of it like dirty taxi, I’ve had better than dispo bags of it off the street, and of course dispo bags of it, all basically the same to me. Same effects I find with basically any cookies cross. Bland af. She’s just a bit louder than most cookies crosses I’ve seen. I do like the flavor of her but I don’t smoke for flavor. Unless it’s nasty, flavor is the last thing I’m worried about when it comes to selection.


Haha my guy! See I’m a flavour and high kinda guy, but it’s gotta have power and staying power that’s for sure. But there’s a bunch of terp profiles I despise personally, especially musk eww! Well now I wanna really see for myself. I was searching for her for a while, not gonna lie I’ll be pissed if I toss her after the exhaustive search I’ve done but I guess we win some, lose some. What was your take on the dirty taxi?


I’ll agree with that @MoBilly . Man’s heart is huge!


Ah for sure ^^ I’m all about the high, effects, and potency. Idgaf what it looks like, smells like, or tastes like, provided its not nasty lol

The Dirty Taxi is the only cookies cross I hold beans of and would actually, possibly, consider planting one day. I smoked a couple different phenos of it and there were some with the ChemD and/or TK effects and power, with all the flavor and loudness from the GMO.

Oh my bad, someone did send me a half pack of More Cowbell I didn’t ask for and I haven’t had time to offer up yet lol.


Well I’m sold! Nice. I’ve been itching to look through those too.

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Why thank you brother :pray:t3: the feeling is 110% mutual. You are a rare breed


One of the popular Bodhi cookie crosses. People seem to love her. Lol scared me away too


I have a pack of more cowbell and a couple other cookie crosses I’ll probably grow them out for others who enjoy them.

But I prefer things like TK, Chem D, OG kushes etc so I’m after cuts a lot more than seeds these days it seems…


Off to the Pumpkin Patch with family in a bit. Grandkids. My daughter’s are 38 and 32. 6 grandkids. I have so frickin’ pumpkin patch photos. I love the colors.


Have a blast brother! I wanna see some when u get back! Bet the kids are stoked!! Lots of hot chocolate and candy for the kids, will be a blast! I miss those days, I truly do.

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Excuse my rudeness. Good morning OG. Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . Being mid-October, ya might be busy outside. I am not, and it’s a good thing. I started getting ready, but my personal life kept getting in the way. Physically it was going to be a challenge.
Good decision. I would not have pulled it off. I have 3 tents. I’ll live.


There’s a lot of entertainment at those sometimes. This is an old farm.stand, been there for years. Very little plastic games and rides to take $. This is out by vineyards and wineries.
It’s clear and cool now, but will warm up to almost 80. Perfect!


Haha A WHOLE DIFFERENT pumpkin patch experience there, bet it’s gorgeous! Here it’s usually cold and damp but the fall colours and fun make up for it. Have a blast my brother!


Started freaking out this morning, I get up and grab my jade piece every day and put it in my pocket etc. today it wasn’t where I put it every night by my bed! Looked everywhere, nothing. Started searching like a crack head fiending! Face on the floor looking everywhere etc. BOOM was under the couch, stupid warm up pants have those smooth shallow pockets. Now it’s staying in the table unless I go out .

Never leaves my side ! Means so much to me no joke