TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I’ll leave that to you. Knew a commercial fisherman parked his car under a street light when he’d go out for a week. Next to the fish cleaning station. He had one wiper. He’d come in and drive his shit cover rig, dk brown Honda, down the waterfront. Shock value as he smeared shit with his wiper…always cranked shitty music so folks would look.


Might not be an issue if we didn’t kill all the natural predators


I think its funny as hell when a person thinks they are slick and parks under a tree in the shade. Then comes back to a bird shit covered car from birds hanging out in the tree

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It’s very true. Although there are species I believe that should never be allowed to be hunted but the majority, definitely. For the first time ever they have allowed OPEN SEASON year round (shoot on site) in cormorants, they are destroying our fisheries by eating all the alewives (salmon and trout staple) so u can shoot them anywhere anytime. And goby’s (ugly ass fish that came over in bilge pumps from Europe) you are supposed to kill every one you catch, never put them back in the water both are unprecedented in Canada . Stupid invasive species ! Look at pythons in Florida . :man_facepalming:t2:


This is also very true

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We had a good event. The boats normally go out 2 miles. Legal limit or something. We went over 10 miles. To the GPS coordinates where Terry caught his 1st albacore at 12 with his dad. 22 years ago. That’s where Terry went. That’s pretty cool.


God I hate waking up outta likes! I’m glad brother, so very glad you got to do that. And that’s awesome, so awesome! You know he’s at peace now, definitely in a much better place . I’m glad you were able to go out further seems so fitting. I love the pics, thank you for sharing :pray:t3: plus you know I love seeing anything out there, especially Morro Rock!


It wasn’t particularly nice, but it is November on the Central Coast. It could have been 10’ swell and wind. We wouldn’t have made it 10 miles. We’ll see how fucked up I am physically when I start moving.
Hoping the next 175 days are a bit smoother than the last 175. We’ll see. Life’s in session still, last I checked.


I truly hope so too, for both of our sakes brother. At least as you said it’s done now. Been a long tough road and I was glad to be able to have your back as you’ve had mine for many years! Really hope it didn’t affect the back too much. Now back to our regularly programmed chaos :wink: much much love and respect


Good morning/night @ the OG family! :slight_smile: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

wish you all a great morning/day! :slight_smile:


Goodmorning guys… :sunny::coffee:

Have a great day, and happy gardening! 🪴🌱


Good morning everybody :coffee: :sunglasses:

Loving the cool 44 degree mornings. Hope everyone has a great day! :vulcan_salute:


Good morning guys, definitely brisk out there, nice though, Charlii loves it! She never wants to go in now lol


So I flushed all my plants BIG TIME, then fed them my old nutes instead of this Athena stuff and BOOM can see them coming back to full health already! So it was those stupid nutes! Possibly combined with ph issues (my meter died but my brother @Mithridate sent one ) Thank God It was pissing me off


Good morning everybody. Loving hoodie weather


I’m fortunate that I can just flush with tapwater as a hard reset. I haven’t switched nutes in 20 years. I keep thinking too to save money but if it works don’t fix it.


Amen :pray:t3: bastards enticed me with freebies :man_facepalming:t2: 7 years I was using cultured Solutions never a single issue. :roll_eyes: I recall running remo before that for 3 runs and that stuff was GREAT too, and I absolutely loved Canna but they made it hard to get here. never had issues like this with nutes! Glad things are getting back to 100%


18 mins to like replenish !


Switching nutrient lines can be a pita! Hopefully your plants are right back on track :wink: meter is just a safety net 🫡


Amen to that brother, I agree with the meter mine doesn’t come out often but in crisis EVERYTIME. Thanks brother, really appreciate you and all you do.