TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Always a pleasure :pray:

I wanted to send you the storing solution/ph4-7 combo but it was slushing around in the package, so I didn’t risk it…

Lady at the post office hasnt blinked since '83 :eyes:


You are awesome regardless. I still have some here for the bluelab. Lmao damn postal workers! I miss my local PO it was a young couple , hippies that ran it, guy was so pie eyed he never saw a thing and the girl just flirted EVERYTIME (even in front of her patchouli smelling boyfriend) so she never even looked twice at anything. But they closed it recently , now I gotta drive 20 mins as opposed to walking 2 blocks ! :man_facepalming:t2:


I read the last post 1st. I read “you are awesome regardless”, thought you meant me. Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the rest of ya. Have a spiffy day.


Or is that “spliffy”?


You are awesome regardless.


You DEFINITELY ARE @crownpoodle sn absolute gem!


This explains so much.

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Truer words have yet to be written! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: damn aggressive geese and their nasty poo! Go to a golf course or even a park with pond and goose turds everywhere. Eewww.

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Somehow I was living in a house on the bay. We had 2 geese. One drank motor oil. Shit oil stains all over the neighbors driveways and walkways. Didn’t seem to hurt him. He attacked anyone wearing red, including redheaded women. His name was Shredder. He was such an A-hole.


Bahaha motor oil drinking geese! I definitely know how much pricks they can be

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remo has dry nute line now too i was just looking at. prob still have enough jacks for a year though and i gave like 3lbs away to a friend lol. that bag lasted me 3 years lmao

ps wish someone would give me a ph meter drops are great but knowing to the decimal is always best lol. has jacks in 2,2 lb bags also i just seen so i dont have to re up with another 25 lb bag


I have it in my cart , still short though a bit. Hoping I can get it to simplify things. And with @Jetdro formula all I need is the big ass part A then smaller bags/buckets of bloom booster and all purpose. Indoor farmer has all the sizes as well. They even just got canna too which I LOVED but it’s pricy af! @204medismoke


oh ya thats the other site i forgot u sent me that before. @tappy @leetdood local shop going out of biz sale load up while u can. god i hope they have rapid rooters left lol


I’m going to have to go read through @Jetdro to find his formula now.
I don’t know if it works with wild geese. If you grab the lead goose and put it underneath your arm the flock will leave you alone

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WTF! That’s my go-to store! Do they have any maxibloom left? Ph drop refill kits? When’s the closing day? When did sale start? Dammit!! Horrible news…horrible.

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oct 27 final day. looks like deals started sep 27 wish i seen this earlier… i would have taken all the rapid rooters and what ever else i can afford

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Ugh…well shit. It’s about 20 mins from where I stay, but frig. Everything is probably close to gone then. Perlite and all this. Super rough. Now have to go through Osborne headache to get nutrients and stuff. I might just start ordering all my stuff online. Very sad.
I’m west end…so need to find a new source.

Urban grow? They must be new. Have you been? What is your go-to shop?

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theres a new place on century has every thing its a mess atm and pricey a bit but its close to you. i was just living on toronto street the last year and half lol

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Lol…yeah, just found it and updated my post. Pricey, eh? Doesn’t sound like my kind of place…lol

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Shit…we were basically neighbours…lol

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