TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Haha. I’m fresh outta likes… For 6 hours? Shiiit.

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On a Thursday morning.

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I wouldn’t mind being composted when I die. Only $7000.


I’ve got a nice heap that anybody can use for FREE!

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My wife has already told me that she wants her body to become a tree. I thought that was pretty dope. I also just learned that after like 100 years when all of your family is dead and gone, they dig you out of your grave hole and chuck you in the trash anyway. Then they resell your grave hole to some one else. Just become a tree on some ones property and have a plaque with your name installed at the base of it or whatever.



Ever see the catacombs in Paris? Heaps and heaps and piles and heaps of old bones removed from the cemeteries so they can fill them up again. It’s a spooky place.

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Yes. I’ve been to several catacombs throughout Europe. Spooky for sure, but I was always fascinated by them as a kid. The catacombs in Rome hold a special place in my memory banks.


If I’m remembering right I cut through it to go to Jim Morrison’s grave too.

Yeah that sounds 100% accurate!

That was a hell of a trip. Post university present to myself.

I’d love to go back now that I’m older. See what kind of different appreciation I have for all of it. I miss Europe in general.

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Yes I agree it would be nice to go back a little more seasoned.

There’s talk of Spain next year but it’s still just a distant vision of the future.


My parents are planning on moving to Portugal. They are gonna see if they can get moved in there before they vote away their tax breaks for expats at the end of November. We’ll see. Would be nice to have a place to crash land on that side of Europe. I have some family that lives in Sweden as well.

I never made it to Spain or Portugal while I was there.


My parents love Portugal and go relatively often.

I’ve never been to Spain so it’s on the list. And so is Germany which is part of why I’m learning German now. Hell there’s a chance I could move there for a year.

But yeah, a transatlantic crash pad would be awesome.

I’ve also always wanted to go to the Canary Islands for some unknown inexplicable reason.


@Mithridate my brother, your generosity never ceases to amaze me! Thank you again so much for this. You have had my back for years and it means more than I can possibly say. I definitely owe ya one :wink:


Keep them ladies happy


My other one kicked the bucket a little while ago. But thank God for great friends! Now I can truly ensure all is well


Ph can be a pain to wing. Truly amazing generosity around here, love to see

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Sheesh, Thats an awesome gift!
I’m surprised you still have a mailbox with the recent fire delivered in there. :grin:

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