TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Sunny is great. I heard through some interview, one of the major beer brands was supposed to be a sponsor of the show like Budweiser or Coors or something. The beer company got a copy of the first episode and were like hell to the fuck no, we don’t want our name associated anywhere near this show. :joy:


It’s always sunny is one of my all time favorite shows so good even popped some Tahoe og x thunder gun express from doc d he did a limited line in 2017 with a bunch of show references :joy:

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I honestly don’t know how I never saw it…. :man_facepalming:t2:
Soooo many people love it!

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The same thing happened with Trailer Park Boys and liquor


Never got into it either, too many shows to follow along with now. Ended up getting rid of Netflix, choose what I want to watch now and not scroll hole


One of the greatest


Hands down! So unique I bet it opened a lot of eyes when that become the most popular show !

There’s an Irish show called Hardy Bucks that is very similar and similarly funny.

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I’ll have to check it out, thanks for the lead. There is one called Housos and it’s the same style mockumentary as TPB but Australian. Great Unknown show.


I’d like to be included in the “Destroy Capitalism” group buy please


You’re hired. But you’ll have to work overtime for no overtime pay. And don’t even think about getting sick.


Can I still give away 10% of my paycheck so that in the event I get sick, you’ll do nothing with that money and make me pay more for Healthcare while penalizing me for my sick time?

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Look if you want to foment revolution you’re going to have to work long hard hours for very little pay.

I’m committed to revolutionary middle management

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Oh you’ll have to work your way up to that. And Brad is the owners son in law so you’ll have to compete with him. Fucking Brad.


Shit. Nepo-privilege. I’m fucked.

Ever been in a room with a bunch of self proclaimed revolutionaries? You’ll wish you were in a typical board meeting.

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We could have a long conversation about how I feel about those groups.
"You know what? With revolutionaries like these, who needs the State, amiright?!!"

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I’ll see you meeting of revolutionaries with an AA business meeting!


“I’m the most radical out of all of you.”

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