TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Bahahaha too much!

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So then, do you know the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?

Spoiler: Alcoholics have to go to meetings!

“We shouldn’t accept money for this cause, that’s just embodying capitalism”

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It’s like a schoolyard of ego


Funny :laughing: do you know the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral?

Definitely not the amount of booze involved :laughing:

One less drunk :joy: full disclosure part Irish and alcoholic.:heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Bahaha sounds right to me! part Irish myself but no alcohol for this guy anymore.

Good God no more alcohol for me. Life keeps putting at least one very active drunk in my life. Let’s me remember vividly what drinking does for me


Same grew up with one, lost both paternal grandfather’s too it, and did some real dumb shit in my youth because of it, just bud now for me


I used to drink too much and damn I hate drunk people.

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Same ! It’s crazy seeing them thinking “was I this way?”

Yes. Unfortunately we were.

What I love now is that I can leave. I’d be all lite up and stay to the biter end :pensive:

Yeah I’m a duck out artist now.


That was a good one

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Well since we are here on the topic, you can call that an Irish goodbye or an Irish exit.


Should see NA. They all think they are tony montana because they sold dime bags out of their moms basement.


Ugh. I used to get drunk before going to the bar cuz I can’t stand drunk people :joy: true story.