TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Yeah but they did it with class

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Oh yeah mucho class.

Good morning/night OG Fam! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning y’all, yesterday I was a little under the weather, so I only popped in on overgrow a couple times.

Still catching up with several things, but I hope everyone has a good day and has a thriving garden!



Shameless the England version I think is the better and first version
: )

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Goood Morning everybody :coffee: :sunglasses:

Have an awesome day!


Morning all.


Good morning everyone


Good morning everyone!


You are 100% correct I forgot about that, it spawned all the rest. Good call


Hope you are feeling much better today. Hate being sick in any form, just makes life suck :disappointed:


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 Leo says “Time to spark one”


Always one right beside you huh? Just like Charlii she’s my Klingon, my tag along, my ride or die :wink:


What you smoking on? Nice tray btw :wink:


Still cooking @JAWS Trainwreck Meds. I’ve got some of the Rom x in jars. The rest this morning. I’d be smoking on it if I was out of TW. I like the tray. The missus said the light colored one. The other one is from Govt Mule concert. It was at the University in Humboldt. Clouds of… patchouli oil!


Haha clouds of patchouli ! I know those concerts all too well . I went to a small private ziggy marley concert once in Montreal. It was half dread wearing, Birkenstock rocking , patchouli scented white boys and girls .the other half island boys (Jamaicans , trinis etc. ) the smell of patchouli was so strong it kept giving me a headache I had to hang out by the door and keep gasping for fresh air, I’ll never forget that, hated patchouli since. Had a girlfriend once who was full on hippy too, dreads, birks, poncho all that. She was super hot though but I could never get past the patchouli and even her bedroom smelled like it 24/7 :nauseated_face:


My epic mail continues! @Bugsandnugs holy crap! I know you wanted to send me some stuff but damn! It was like Christmas opening this box! So many goodies! I was getting more and more excited each time I pulled something out! Absolutely love it all and will surely be put to good use! EVERYTHING! Literally :exploding_head: blew my mind ! Thank you for your kindness and generosity so much! I love EVERY SINGLE THING down to the awesome stickers! Wow!


Aaaaaand @Wizdom oh Mr.Wizdom you sir have also absolutely blown me away, I was anxiously awaiting your package and DAMN ! I’m over the moon! Your generosity will never be forgotten and I only hope my reciprocation makes you even slightly as happy as this just made me! Grinning like a kid at Christmas over here between you and @Bugsandnugs im actually overwhelmed! You guys have truly spoiled me, and with the epic mail days the last 2 as well I’m truly just in awe of all the love I’ve received from EVERYONE! Never EVER ceases to amaze me how this place has brought out the best in everyone and we all share and share alike! It’s truly heartwarming! Thank you :pray:t3:


You’re such a fake dude. I sent you a pack of CSI Humboldt Air Force One ($500 pack) for FREE and you can’t even answer my question in the thread. You’re quite the character.

This is really strange to me. Green tea should be hot! Or so says my history for like 6 decades…but then I still don’t drink cold coffee. Not even wiith all that whipped crteam and sugar or flavoring.

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