TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Huh? Didn’t even see your question wtf. Apologies for missing a question in the absolute bombardment of notifications received daily…. Wow ! @OrganicGorilla to answer your question yes he does, and all you had to do was tag me, and I’d have seen it for sure, with the thousands of messages, notifications I get daily I miss lots…. You need to calm TF down


And to call me fake…. Bahaha as real as they come, that’s why I don’t hide shit, most here know my name, my face, and my address as well as my life story. Doesn’t get much more real! Not sure who pissed in your wheaties but no need to take it out on me !


Freaking out over this :man_facepalming:t2: unreal !

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I’m not freaking out. I just know you read every thread that goes up on this site. Like you’ve got nothing better to do. I know you seen my question.

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No not at all…. Cuz that behaviour is normal right? :man_facepalming:t2:

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Don’t leave mad, just leave.


Hey I sew as well ain’t no shame!

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Thank you my “friends” :roll_eyes: eyes wide open now….


That’s out of line @OrganicGorilla, things get missed sometimes. I have tried to keep up with all my alerts today and still have 86 of them waiting for me. That’s over 80 threads I need to visit before even updating my own threads. Some days I must admit, I just clear them as I don’t have the hours in the day to get to every one. Sometimes the list is so long I don’t see them all as there is a space with some that I have actioned already and when I clear them I inadvertently clear some I should have responded to.

@TopShelfTrees1 is a great dude and the only OGer I have gone out and met in person. I know for a fact that he would have responded had he seen it. This looks to me more like a misunderstanding than an intentional slight.


A very underrated skill. Saves a ton of money.

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Much MUCH respect brother :facepunch:t2: You are DEFINITELY one of the Real Ones.

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These guys are way more famous than me and even I don’t have the time to respond to everything. It’s not personal. Unless it is.


It’s all good brother. Things get misunderstood or misinterpreted online all the time. Most times such things can be worked out once folks see where the other is coming from. Just keep doing your thing man and all will be right with the world.

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Hey! I made a joke a few days ago while you were outta likes. I see you didn’t circle back and like my joke! I see how it is. Do you even REALLY think I’m funny?


Of course I’m out of likes now….
Your friendship is appreciated much more than you know. But as MANY know disrespect is not taken lightly by me. Albeit absolutely bizarre It still grinds my gears HUGE!!


No, no I don’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Agreed @Indicana_Jones ’ Joke wasn’t funny enough for a like.


Nope, I was pretending all along…… I’m a fake person so I had to you know, gotta keep up personas


Not even a fake person. More like a collection of lips in a jar :joy:

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It’s not just lips in there :wink: