TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I’m a horror fanatic, since I was a kid. I hate the rape, sodomy shit though that’s just idiotic imho. But I was raised on Freddy and Jason , pumpkinhead etc. even the days of horror cards etc. This time of year is one of my favourites although I don’t really decorate anymore I still love Halloween


My folks had a refund from the IRS. My mom disputed it. Sent the check back and forth. Mom quit sending it. Went on for years. Mom never cashed the check. 5 or 6 years later. Registered letter. Big frigging deal. IRS saying "you owe us $XX.XXX.XX plus interest and accrued penalties.
I think my mom felt when she gave that original check back it was her finest hour. Well…besides when I moved out of the house to college. Which I quit after a year. She paid me not to move back for at least a year.


Haha wish my parents did that

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Your moms as solid as they come, I would have been screwed!


Christ @Gonzo …how many hookers you need? :laughing:


3000/$10 = …


You forgot to take out $4 for tequila.


And 5$ for a big bag of hard pack schwag


Good afternoon everyone


Hello there Mr.Green! Hope all is well, how’s the leg/pain ?

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I’m sitting here :joy:. Pain isn’t too bad just not doing anything but surfing og! Definitely procrastinating stuff I need to be doing :disappointed:
How are you?


If “Your money is no good here”, you must have a friend in the right place that you don’t even know about. Did you stop and help somebody change out a flat tire out in front of the electric company? lol

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Ya I bet, makes life so hard doesn’t it! At least you’ll have lots of computer time! I’m good, much better than even two weeks ago, I think my bullshit anxiety was actually significantly holding me back from healing up properly. Because ever since he told me it’s normal and it can take 45-90 days to be back to normal in there because of scar tissue etc. since that day, I slept better, I’ve gotten out of my head mostly, and I’ve been getting stuff done. All I was worrying about was my plants and I let so much else go including my chores etc. and since I’m a clean freak it’s literally driving me nuts too look around, but I got a shit ton yesterday especially in my grow areas. And I’m setting up a huge breeding area at my mentors so that’s next in the agenda if I can just find the Damn keys :man_facepalming:t2:


Morning all! Congrats @TopShelfTrees1 on co-op run! @Indicana_Jones keep everything record conversations on the phone(in the states) If they say call maybe recorded there is no sense of privacy. Keep emails, texts and returns or whatever from bank statements everything. Getting to the 2k mark can be scary especially if can’t turn power off in winter might end up with 7k bill with 3k in fines and fees and then no power. Their ignorance is your golden ticket to protect your ass! I’d just keep setting aside the monthly bill amount into an acct. and not touch so you can pay when they pull there heads out of their Good luck man.
I had Nextel phone years ago remember the annoying chirp. I went to the store to pay my bill back in '05 and they wouldn’t accept cash :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I could have written a check but not cash in the actual store. Idk lol. Happy weekend


That will hopefully inspire me to do the paperwork I’m procrastinating/scared of. Super happy to hear your on a massive upswing!


Good advice for sure. And no one wants a 2-3-4000$ bill ever but especially after Christmas and new years cuz most of us are just worried about paying off the credit cards etc. (or maybe that’s just us :man_shrugging:t2:)


Set everything up on auto pay. Then all you have to do is check your bank account. Shit set that up for text alerts. Boom its done. I can’t believe I use to write 14-15 checks every month 20 years ago.

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Thank you bro, I really REALLY am too and I intend to keep this going hopefully indefinitely. Also finally got some shrooms for microdosing finally from an awesome good friend and member here. So I’m hoping this will improve my mental state overtime. I took one last night and just seemed giggly/smily and sort of light (like my body was just light, floating somewhat) going to go every 3-4 days to start then from there well see, but I like it already from my initial findings


I was taking .25 of mushrooms everyday for a while. Definitely beneficial for the head space


I was microdosing with breakfast on Sundays for awhile. It really helps. Haven’t done in a few weeks. Maybe that’s whats wrong with me.