TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

It’s right in that realm .2 or less I’m pretty sure, I have 100 capsules atm .

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I wish shrooms worked for me. It’s just like pot edibles. Zero effects.


Seems to be working for me now and I’m so grateful as I truly need some mental fixing, and if it can even help subdue this anxiety I wouldn’t wish I my worst enemy I’ll be forever grateful !


@MoBilly i wish they worked for you also!
It’s more effective than any prescribed antidepressant with NO side effects or withdrawals


As far anxiety goes. I’ve dealt with years of extreme anxiety. Stay on top of a healthy diet. Stay away from processed foods. Sleep!! Good sleep is key. Exercise even long walks with the dog. Avoid using strains that increase anxiety. No booze. Alcohol creates self loathing = anxiety. Same with caffeine.


I hate alcohol now, processed food is harder, and caffeine I’ve cut way back on but that I doubt will ever be removed completely from my diet. I’ve been exercising quite a bit and the dog walks are definitely my thing. Sometimes I’m surprised at how far her little legs can go cuz I just keep going :laughing: and I’m trying to eliminate sugar completely but my sweets addiction is DEFINITELY not helping :man_facepalming:t2:


I mainly try to keep processed sugar out of my diet. Raw honey and pure maple syrup are my go to. Stevia is not bad but has a slight aftertaste that I find sort of unpleasant. My personal favorite has to be that pure maple syrup for coffee and raw honey for my hot herbal teas.


Try to ween off coffee and switch to limited amounts of green tea. Caffeine- nicotine-sugar are some are the hardest. I drank coffee and dipped for years.


About half the time, when I drink coffee, it’s decapitated coffee. Make it strong enough and it tastes like coffee. lol




Sugar and caffeine are a bitch. Especially since sugar is in everything! It’s insane once you start reading ingredients on packaging :flushed:


It is insane. What got me flipping stuff over and looking at the label was cutting my sodium. Once you start flipping them over for a week it becomes habit.


Started reading them and high fructose corn system is in everything.
A study was done on different sugars and what the body does with them. The body converted high fructose corn syrup directly into fat. Amazing how we have an obesity issue in this country now. I believe this was on npr a bunch of years ago
Shallow breathing in the top part of your lungs produces anxiety also. Any deep conscious breath will help with feeling grounded


OMFG! That’s priceless! Love it brother

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This is what my old friend that recently passed was saying that this stuff was introduced to literally fuck over society! I don’t know for sure about all of that but I’ll tell ya everything he said made so much sense! And he literally like NEVER ate sugar Or especially that shit, steak, potatoes, green beans, brown beans, asparagus and fruits mostly all from his garden which he even made everything he used for, he did drink coffee but always black, and then water or fresh squeezed orange juice or apple juice he made, he even would go harvest his own syrup, I always though he was kind of nutty when I was in ny teens, twenties but around 29-30 I really started seeing things and him in a different light, now I only wish I could take back those years and heed his warnings as well as train/teach my kids this way


I have to say I agree with your friend. It’s in every cheap form of food there is. Do you remember when Gwynth Patral name isn’t spelled right went shopping with like a hundred dollars, she bought all organic products and got like a bag and a half of groceries. Everyone laughed at how “out of touch “ she was with her purchase. I think it shows the absolute difference in how wealthy people eat verses the rest of us.

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I mean 3 is the magic number (3 high end ones), plus a driver, a suite & a Hunter S. Thompson style sampler platter of substances. Gatorade, light snacks & 500 for the casino entertainment. I could probably do it right with $3,000 but lets call it 4500 to be safe, never know when you’ll need a bribe.



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That is so sick!
Also just fyi ingredients are listed by percentage. The first one listed is the highest percentage