TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I hear you brotha, it’s unreal how fast it builds up. I’m officially not taking another single project until I’m caught up now, no matter what! I’m booked up until the spring east :man_facepalming:t2:


Snow hasn’t even hit the ground here yet and I’m already debating if I want to take summer 2024 off or keep making seeds…lol


Haha ! Take it off and tend a 100+ outside! And another plot 2 km away for seeds! :wink:


Lol…seems someone has done this before.

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:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Need a tend partner?

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No outdoor for me :pensive:…I’ve never pulled a decent harvest after all the “work”. Gets too cold, too wet, too early here…with any strain I’ve worked with anyway.


Good morning everyone. :slight_smile:
I feel like the old man around here at 63 years old. lol

When I told my kids I would give them something to cry about I meant just that a swat on the backside to stop nonsense. There’s crying and then there’s kids trying to stretch how far I would spoil them by acting spoiled and throwing a fit in public. Kids learn to extort what they want from their parents by trying to publicly embarrass their parents. That doesn’t fly with a parent who loves their kids enough to raise them right.
Oh and…
The same ones that shit on your life, shit on mine as well and I had no control over it because I was just a hard working deplorable trying to feed his family the best he could instead of some rich POS that didn’t mind selling out our country.

I might be a little hot about that right now. It’s been thrown up in my face a few times lately.


Nah it’s true, I gave up a few years ago when everything kept getting randomly pollinated by everyone’s males outdoors, I do wish I could have a few in pots though still so I could do a few “planned pollinations.”


I just thought it was a funny meme. As far as who’s actually to blame for the state of things, I don’t think it’s that simple. There’s corruption, yes, but there’s always corruption and the rich are always capable of exploiting the system more. The real reason we’re all suffering is that the dollar is the reserve currency of the world, and that’s an unsustainable situation for a great many reasons. Economists were testifying before Congress 60+ years ago pointing out that it was unsustainable and that we’d end up in exactly this situation, and no one could figure out a better solution so we all just accepted it. Now they’re being proven right… except that they didn’t actually offer any alternative to the dollar back when it was just a baby bubble, and now it’s distorted the economics and politics of the entire world.

Triffin’s Dilemma

Testifying before the U.S. Congress in 1960, economist Robert Triffin exposed a fundamental problem in the international monetary system.

If the United States stopped running balance of payments deficits, the international community would lose its largest source of additions to reserves. The resulting shortage of liquidity could pull the world economy into a contractionary spiral, leading to instability.

If U.S. deficits continued, a steady stream of dollars would continue to fuel world economic growth. However, excessive U.S. deficits (dollar glut) would erode confidence in the value of the U.S. dollar. Without confidence in the dollar, it would no longer be accepted as the world’s reserve currency. The fixed exchange rate system could break down, leading to instability.

Mind you, I have no solution either so my rant is a bit useless. :stuck_out_tongue: Just something for me to enjoy chanting as we watch it all burn.


Definitely not putting anything on you @MoBilly im pretty confident he was just joking, we’ve been ruining this world for a lot longer than you’ve been alive that’s for sure. Started loooong ago and is only getting worse imho. Don’t let it get to you, especially the way you live your life etc. I can’t see you being lumped into it anyway. Farmers are the life blood of this planet imo


Definitely crazy times we live in, im actually ashamed at what I/we’ve left for my/our children but all I can try and do now is teach them well and hope they can make things better for themselves and hopefully live a comfortable, long life


This calls for this meme


@MoBilly We all know its the corporations, politicians & lobbyists brother :+1: There’s no real party affiliation it’s just one big party & we ain’t invited :wink:

Anytime someone tells me drugs are bad, I say “Tell that to Keith & Willy… and Rogan” My list is actually way longer :laughing:


Bahaha YES! God bless Willie! I really wanna take my dad to a concert before he’s gone, if he ever goes :wink: I’ve been researching his upcoming stuff for 2024 but I really wanna do the festival he has at his ranch.


I believe you are preaching to the choir man. :slight_smile: I knew you didn’t direct that at me. lol I just have heard how “my generation ruined the world” too many times lately. The fed was a flawed system is set up for the rich by the rich and destined for failure.

My statement was a cry out to the world, not a rebuke of you personally. Or at least it wasn’t meant to be. :pray:t5:


@MoBilly way to go man. I’m holding you and only you responsible for the worlds state of affairs right now!

(Shakes fist at the sky)


And keep your damn bikes off my lawn! :laughing:


Ever since he got those damn goats…the entire planet has gone to hell!! :smile:


It’s the goat cream in my morning coffee. After a while you start acting like an old goat. :slight_smile:


Baa-d Billy…baa-d!