TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

When I was younger I would try to show people facts that were contrary to mainstream beliefs. It was exhausting and I didn’t change anyones view. Some people people are open and some are not. I can recognize the eyeball roll immediately now :joy:
Have fun @MoBilly

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You have more restraint than I.

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The restraint part isn’t so hard. I spent my whole life trying to be invisible.

It can only be addressed indirectly. Even using the words you lose 3/4 of your audience.

A full on rant accomplishes nothing.


It kills some time.

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I prefer one liners.


I generally wait for people who are already somewhat interested to engage. Some people can connect the dots others not so much


The lightbulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.

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AI/robotics/3d printing could mean a roof over every head, food on every plate & healthcare for every American. No more suffering, plenty for everyone. Free time to persue your interests & passions.

Or it could be an iron-fisted corporate police state with total information awareness of every human being. And we’ll be hunted by drones for questioning our oppressors. Basically an open air tech controlled prison.

Anybody taking bets on which one we’ll get? :laughing:


You make me want to cry. I now what the corporate preference is for sure. We have all this technology already. The ai program is all controlled by corporate/ government, so a profit component is in every solution. Ai can come up with solutions for artificial scarcity

Free time scares the Sh!t out of the people in charge. If we have time to examine what they do it would be a problem. That’s why we’re kept so busy with basic necessities.

Business conference in Germany 10+ years ago. Speaker says we have the technology to automate everything! We don’t, because what do we don’t know what to do with an the work force


Yea sorry @Emeraldgreen I’m gonna try my best to stay positive for now on. Nothing we can do at this point anyway, waves coming. Might as well point our jetskis at the tsunami & ride into it with smiles :100: :laughing:

On to better things! What you got growing that’s brand new @TopShelfTrees1 ?


You know those robot dogs DARPA built? And they were like these will be great for search and rescue purposes! I just saw an article yesterday where they outfitted a mini version of those dogs with little rocket launchers and they are being tested right now.


@Indicana_Jones you harvested the plants from when you were in hospital right? What’s next up on the list?


My brother always says “ wars are created just so the new technology can be shown off”
Yeah what you got going on @Indicana_Jones ?


Yessir. I got bobs bubbas cranking away in seedling stage right now. I got 4 out of 5 that made it up and at 'em. So I’m gonna make em big and strong and start the cloning game. I want a room full of these ladies.


Are bobs bubbas a bx ?


I talked to Bob a little bit about them and from what I understand, these are probably like an f127 or something. Straight been kept alive since the early 90s.


That’s bad ass!! So like an original og kush line!!?


As far as everyone knows. She might be able to explain a little better or a little more nuanced than I pushed for information on. Hmm @Bobgrows


So true and I’m very guilty of the missed scan!:joy::joy:. Play stupid games win stupid prizes right.

:person_raising_hand:Guilty! Lots of stupid prizes.