TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Hahaha I once posted a pic of a brown trout I had caught that was mortally wounded in the fight (very rare this ever happens with my setup) and tbh it was a psa to tell people about length of bait from hook to prevent it. I got pita and it’s millions of followers going nuts on it, was the craziest thing I’ve seen online personally in 30 mins I had like 300 and something comments absolutely just letting me have it for being a fisherman at all…. :man_facepalming:t2: “fish have feelings” “fish are people too” etc. idk many who love fish or the fisheries like me, barking up the wrong tree.


Oh yeah. I have so many grey day activities. I could nap on the couch, with a view of the hills and ranches. The guest room has a peek at the State Park forest. Master BR…nap with a view of the ocean.


:rofl: Now that’s my kind of activity :sleeping: sleep

I’ll always be jealous of your views though


I was discussing a deer I was patterning while setting at a table with some friends in school. This person at another table got irate about the topic and asked me why I would want to go out of my way to kill Bambi! I told her “That’s nothing. I’ll kill Thumper too if he’s in season.” She got up an walked away.
As a parting goodby I said “Where do you think the meat you buy in the grocery comes from… ANIMALS”! She didn’t even turn around at that comment. lol


The uneducated and presumptive ideas people have never cease to amaze me.


Glad I wasn’t the only one still asleep enough to be slightly surprised by that…

I know you’re joking, but one time I was out walking the dogs and a guy stopped to ask me what they were. I figured he was a dog person and just wanted to say hi, but nope… he apparently thought Dachshunds were particularly tasty and wanted to tell me so. No follow-up, he just walked away while I gaped and tried to figure out what the hell to say to that. This is why I often prefer not to go outside where I might run into other people. :stuck_out_tongue: Dunno, maybe he thought it was a compliment…


I’m as big an animal lover as anyone , and have found that most hunters are the exact same, and hunting/fishing when done right actually promotes growth and the flourishing of all animals, prevents overpopulation etc. you nailed it on the head @crownpoodle its just being uneducated or being told what to say and never forming their own opinions it’s sad. I have a buddy who’s a professional fisherman on the tour, he was once actually assaulted by a big ass group of them while unloading his catch for the weigh in, the one guy pushed him in the water, grabbed his fish bags and tossed them in the water too! :man_facepalming:t2: buuuut didn’t realize they were zipped closed at the top, so Paul picked em up and walked to the podium soaking wet, it was a big thing 5 years ago tbh. Crazy what they will go to just to prove a point


WTF? Now that’s messed up, I know there are cultures that eat cats, dogs, horses etc. but I just can’t get on board with that! Wow…. I bet you watched your dog closely after that @Cormoran holy crap!


Becoming a preference for me too tbch

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Never had catfish. I like fish and chips. I’d try some. Can you smoke catfish? Never got my smoker out. Learned from my dad. He was good.
Some smoked salmon, a couple kinds of cheese and choices for crackers. Sliced red onion. Pepperoncini’s. Got my mouth watering right now.


We had a problem developing up this way with Wasting Disease. It was all due to overpopulation of deer in Missouri. The conservation department was asking everyone that could to go out and take deer. They opened up the tags where you could buy as many as you could fill. Even in the state parks. When that was announced, there were morons out banging pots and pans while walking through the woods trying to mess up hunters chances.
The funny thing is they caused more to be taken than not. lol
They got the deer moving even on windy days.


I’ve never tried smoking any… :thinking:
This I may have to do.
Thanks for the idea. It’ll work or it won’t. lol


Catfish is one I’ve liked (not a big fish eater) blackened catfish, Cajun style was delicious, tried alligator with it too ( JUST like chicken with a bit more rubbery texture) but I ate all of both, and the gumbo OMG ! I found out I should be Cajun that day! Haven’t tried it any other way though, I know a ton of people who love it as much as perch though.


Yeah but you gotta dry it out really well before you put it in your bong.


A good sized crappie is my favorite fresh water fish. Pan size perch are a close second. I still love me some breaded and deep fried cat though.


Haha no doubt, trying to save deer that are suffering :man_facepalming:t2: (better to put them out of their misery and likely prevent the spread ) see uneducated. Highly

Their real power is just in numbers , but 90% of the time their point is misguided. I agree with stopping whaling, or the boats taking millions of fish in a day and dwindling numbers, I even agree with especially the idiocy of catching live whales (babies) and killing the parents just to stick them in a tank and train them to perform, but the other 90% of crap they spew is pure nonsense.


Do you remember the Beverly Hillbillies show where Granny met the beatnicks in the park. They wanted to know how she smoked crawdad!!! Funny show.


Lmao yuck! And you gotta throw out said bong afterwards cuz it stanks! Not skunk stanks but nasty decaying fish stanks


Roadkill fish


Omg I definitely remember that one