TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I never even thought of that until someone brought it up earlier. I’m going to the grocery store in the am, gonna grab a bunch of stuff. My credit card is gonna shit!



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Make sure you use Ceylon cinnamon if you’re using cinnamon.

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the price of food now you have to be rich to eat healthy. its so traumatizing when you walk up to the till praying you have enough lol


i will have to google it thank u

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Tell me about it!!! It sucks. Eating healthy and nine animals keeps me broke as heck. Why I never buy seeds these days. Haha


I hear that 100x over it’s ridonculous ! My wife and I went to Sobeys two weeks back for groceries. Without much meat. (4 family size ground beef, 2 4 packs of New York strips and 2 boneless/skinless 4 packs) but the rest of the essentials, cases of water, juice you guys know, it was a very full cart but it was 342$


Damn nine animals! What u got?

That’s an old prison saying.

I use flashfoods almost everyday. Stuff close to expiry that they sell for 50% off. You can find some savage deals! Our freezer is full of bacon, pork and beef roasts, steaks, chops, etc.
Check it out…can of mcdonalds coffee…50% off…lol

And some ribs…not always 50%, but still saving cash.

I bought the kids an m&m cookie cake for fun.


Eight cats and a dog. Didn’t want any, but they all would’ve died if I didn’t bring them inside. After the first few dead kittens outside of my place I started bringing them in. Hate dealing with animal deaths.


Man, I didn’t know this existed! Very very cool, thanks for sharing, wonder if it’s Canadian too! I’m a sucker for a deal, always empty those bins and stuff :joy:

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Jeez, really? Wtf why so many strays ? We have coyotes everywhere so you don’t see many here. That’s sad but nuts, your vet must love you bro! Damn , I’m super sympathetic to animals too! Almost died a couple times saving stuff . Caught a fish once with 8 hooks in its body! Stupid snaggers I gave him surgery and sent him on his way like a boss, no hooks left


It is canadian! America too. Great for finding cheap munchies and stuff…lol.
Being a winnipegger, I enjoy looking at the stores in Regina and the weird shit they try and sell. Magnum condoms for half off…lube…pregnancy tests…lol…all the good stuff.

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Bahahaha NIIIICE! I just downloaded it, told my wife too. :pray:t3: thank u

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I lived by some “woods” in Pinellas and I’m guessing someone dumped cats at one point and they bred. Just saw a couple adults, so I started putting out food and that turned into a whole crew of cats. Got them all fixed, shots, and stuff. Kittens seemed to struggle to survive though and couldn’t handle seeing anymore dead ones around my place, so I’d bring them in if they wanted to come in.


You sir are a good man…. Just don’t become that cat guy. Hell from what I’ve seen you are as ocd about cleanliness as me , I had no clue you had near that. I’m not a huge cat guy, plus my sons and I are allergic so it’s only dogs here and hypoallergenic ones at that


We’re a family of 4…have saved big over the last 18 months.


They all hide when someone comes over and nobody even knows I have cats until I say something, so that lets me know I haven’t gone nose blind or anything. Haha