TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

That’s epic tbh! I’m screenshotting that for the wife. Until I took it off the road for the time being my magnum was the grocery getter (hemi) so I can only imagine. Love it

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Haha good! That’s the first thing I notice about 60-70 percent of cat owners. My friend Greg was nasty, I refused to go to his house, coming up the drive it smelled like litter box :nauseated_face:

Said no Flashfood spots within 1783 mile radius around me. Darn.


Damn! That’s a loooooong way !


There’s that Too Good To Go app as well if you’re not in the boonies like me.

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Anyone and I mean ANYONE who I have promised seeds too, won a giveaway etc. and is owed beans from me PLEASE if they do not arrive by next week let me know, or if it’s been a while! When my local PO closed down recently some mailbox pickups were changed/moved. The one at the end of the street was one of them so some beans sat there for a while, after complaining I found this out and was assured the letters/packages would all make their way to the final destinations and was given an apology etc. Well that was a while ago and out of like 15-16 packs two showed up and one was already a replacement @CanuckistanPete SOOOO ! I do not want to be that guy as I love this place and it’s amazing people. Rest assured you will receive your goodies .


Just found your thread @TopShelfTrees1. I’ll be watching! :blush:


Awesome my new friend ! Stoked to have you! Thanks for all the love too it’s very much appreciated.

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Dude the mail system is so sketchy, gives me anxiety. I mailed off a few packages and track them then it takes a week or more to get to somewhere that I can drive to in a hr. Out here they said we. Any even file a request till it’s been missing for ten days.


@PatHealy also were you at? And 1783 miles away and you live in the boonies sounds kinda nice there?


I think it’s something like that here too, but I lost my crap. I ship a crap ton of stuff and have had such great luck, I knew something was up, called, emailed. Then I went to our original central post office and asked who I could speak to . Ironically the postmaster was there and came over, I exaggerated saying I send hundreds of packages a month etc. and was trying to send thank you cards and they were making me look unprofessional and would they prefer if I used a courier service as I was trying to support them until like 15 things poof :dash: dissapear! Next thing he says oh sir, I’ll get right on this and I assure you we’ll make it right. He did call and explain thoroughly 2 days later, but that was at least 2 weeks ago now :man_facepalming:t2: it’s pissing me off as as far as I know I have a PERFECT record here before all this crap! :weary:


I’m not that far in the boonies. Haha Just seems that app isn’t down here in the southeast or something. I’m in Florida off the Saint John’s surrounded by national forest for awhile. But, I can get to St Augustine in an hour or so, because it’s open road most of the way doing 70.


I don’t ingest cannabis at all in any form. I don’t drink or do anything except coffee, sugar and recently micro dosing with mushrooms.
I condensed all of my drinking/ drug intake into about 15 spectacular years of absolute stupidity!


I got a new box, nothing has showed up out of 4 things so far. Think I’m done with safe addresses & seeds by mail.

@Emeraldgreen no shit, well at least you’re micro-dosing that’s awesome, some drugs are good for you & frankly weeds less damaging than sugar :wink: I’m with you on alcohol :100: though, it’s trash & ruins lives.


Morning everybody!!


Good morning. Hope everyone has an awesome morning.


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

The fall weather has arrived, Hope it’s right around the corner for everyone!


It was 48 this am :+1:


52 here right now, got up and wrapped in a blanket. Definitely here and I love it


Goodmorning y’all!!

Got some little ones breaking ground yesterday, now let’s see what traits come out.

Happy growing and be well everyone!