TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Good morning everyone. 41 when I cracked my eyes!


Now that’s cool! Wow


Bit brisk😂 definitely not ready for it


G’morning all! We know it’s getting colder when our cat spends the entire night on the bed – like last night.


68°? Hell yeah! Hell yeah.


Just trying to suck up all that warmth lol. If my pup had it her way she would too but I can’t let her cuz she wakes me up every 5-10 mins with her constant movements, noises etc. every night when I go to bed I tuck her into her little bed, put her trusty pink blanket on and 8/10 times she’ll be there under it when I get up. If it’s cold she becomes 100% lap dog lol


I definitely understood what you mean by that, my French bulldog is literally as warm as a space heater, so I usually have to make sure that I have a fan on or I’ll wake up cooking alive…

and he also makes like snorting and snoring sounds if he turns over in the middle of the night to reposition himself, etc.

Here he is by the way, before I forget:


I know those exact noises . Those dogs are great though ! Just recently came on my radar tbh


Does your Frenchie do that weird inverted sneeze nonsense?


Funny dogs, they have great personalities :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


They really are awesome! Nice pup, give him a scratch behind the ear for me please :pray:t3:


@Indicana_Jones Yes, he does sometimes and most of the time he snorts and grunts a lot almost sounds like a piglet legitimately lol

@Mithridate and he has such a goofy personality . He cracks me up daily!


Cut the grass early. Only feels like 94 right now. Woo-hoo.


Got Roots?


Looks great :+1:

I like my cuts decently rooted before transplant as well


Nice! Love how roots come out of rockwool, always Crystal looking like that and bright white! I’m Trying out some different plugs and comparing. Damn rapid rooters dissapeared over here (were my go to) but I love macro plugs (grodan rockwool) as well. Found a killer deal on the Florafoam from floraflex so I’m hoping they hold up. 25-30$ for 50 plugs is ludicrous! Especially cuz I was getting RR’s for 15-20$ for 50 and they outperform everything else by days! As much as 4 :man_facepalming:t2:


Yeah I heard from a few people that they were having trouble finding those in stock.

I most often usually use rapid rooter style plugs as well for transplanting into soil and such but these days since I’m doing mostly soilless the rockwool is perfect.

A friend of mine who I used to get a lot of good cuts from about 10 years ago (in the Southern California LA area when I lived out there) always showed me a method that he preferred, which is pretty simple and easy in rockwool, just ph 5.5 and EC 1.5, healthy moms are key of course, and cloning gel brand doesn’t matter of course but most of the time I just use clonex because it’s cheap and readily available but sometimes I use dip n grow I like being able to control the dilution.

It just isn’t is readily available close to me like clonex.

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Hormex has nice rooting cubes. The cubes and the powder root like champs. I put them in clear trays inside of black trays, so I can check roots. Easy peasy. Have an aero cloner deal I never use.


I used clonex for years, the Wilson roots stuff too. Hormex #8 is my new go to, just powder and it shaved off days too. But I’ve had to change things up so I’m experimenting and playing around trying to find a speed and method that suits me. Been doing the same thing for about 15 years minus the grodan insert. And I used to use much smaller domes until I found 6’s. @PatHealy didntvknow they had cubes! I gave my turbo kloner away 4-5 years ago as I never used it after the first 6 months, sat for years before I did too. Made someone’s whole month with that one.


I can’t say that but I will say that it made the pain manageable and that’s what I needed to get off the pills.
I just wished I had learned that 15 years earlier. There would have been a lot less drama in my family’s lives.