TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Nice! Making a stopover on the way to Mexico? Or are they there year round. Had no clue they were out there if so

They stay here year round. Why would they want to leave. :grin:

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Haha no doubt

this is for root growth correct ?.

thanks …


Yezzir 100% brother @JAWS


Canna is way too pricey. All of their stuff. I’ve used all sorts of coco over the years and never had any bad coco. Maybe cheap stuff needs to be fluffed more or giving a good wash beforehand, but I could never imagine buying 10+ bags of Canna coco at those prices. I always wondered who bought that stuff over here. Haha

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So it’s just the B vitamins in Rhizotonic helping cuts root, no? You can get that or mix it up yourself much cheaper if you’d like to save some money.

I’m thinking about maybe trying some flora flex coco next time… free and very fast stateside shipping and I love their nutes so far, so why not?

I’ll grab some before too long and report back on my results.


I liked their coco. When they frost popped up they were doing crazy sales, coupon codes, and free shipping. I paid about $5 per bag for a bunch of bags. I miss those days and they weren’t even that long ago. Should’ve filled a few storage units with grow supplies. FloraFlex used to throw in extra bags too. I made a few orders with them when they frost popped up, because of the prices and the stuff I got wasn’t bad at all. Coco, bubblers, lines, pots, clips. All of those orders came with extra loose fill bags and some of those ones already in the grow bags you just rehydrate.


Never used coco for cannabis but lots of brands for mushrooms and it’s about the same for all brands. Some are finer cut some have longer strands but bring it to field capacity with boiling water and :exploding_head: ready to add spawn a grow mushrooms. The pricey stuff from Petco worked same as the cheap stuff from nursery. Most difference is stuff in the coir. Pebbles, sticks, and bigger chunks coco.


Yeah, I definitely like a good amount of fiber in there. I never even knew or thought about all of the pet uses for it until maybe 4-5 years ago. Haha Those people are super strict about their coco from reviews I’ve read, but they are putting their beloved pets on it, so makes sense.

I trim and harvest for a licensed facility here in Michigan, they use canna coco exclusively. I cringe whenever I walk past one of their pallets of it. Soooooo pricey.


Canna coco is cheap over here, but I use more expensive stuff anyway. The best of the best imho, koko moko, going on 12 years with her minus a short hiatus, there is none better. Nah rhizo has seed extract and kelp in it as well


That floraflex is the same price as canna over here, at least at my shop, 25$ a bag or two bricks. I don’t like the fibers whatsoever, I’ve tried em all and nothing matched my grows in koko moko, nothing, had roots flying out the bottom almost 10 days before the closest competitor which was the roots and garden that isn’t around anymore. Actually I forgot about roots exeluator, that shit kicked ass just as good as rhizo but damn it was expensive! But it’s the same as rhizo give or take


I have three cases of these someone gave me last year, I completely forgot about them, 3 gallons! Thank you @PatHealy my mentor still runs canna though, swears by it


I love and only use Canna Coco professional plus. It’s $34.29 cad per 50L bag. The bricks are $24.99 for 40L. Not much of a savings considering the extra work.



Oh ya, I knew you did too. Ya it’s good shit, I just prefer less fibrous material mine is soil consistency. Just personal preference as my mike always busts my balls about it, “taught you everything but the right damn coco” :joy:


Next time I see you, I’ll bring you 2 packs of bricks I have brother @DougDawson and welcome back to reality , hope your vacay was amazing!


Thanks man, it was a great summer. They don’t sell koko moko where I go so have never tried it. I just have good luck with my Canna Coco so never switched. Some have told me to go with bricks but when I do the math it’s a savings of 6 cents per litre which is just not worth having to wash and buffer it. The stuff I use I just dump into a tote, mix in some perlite and drop it into pots. I certainly can’t say it’s the best, just that it has worked well for me so I found not reason to try others, lol. I would give it a shot though brother since you recommend it.


Glad to hear it, always jealous of your trips to paradise. I rarely get out to my families anymore and I miss it dearly, I’ve got you 100% :facepunch:t2:

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