TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I owned a poutine food truck for 3 years!


oh you just keep whispering sweet nothings like that in my ear… ya’ll gonna Fork around and found out how a CooYon rolls. :slight_smile:

Lets just say I would be proud to represent your long lost Acadian brothers, by providing the means, knowledge, and experience to cook some authentic Cooyon food, maybe some Moose Boudain, some Mallard Gumbo, Some Trout, or Salmon Courtbouillon. All with that special touch of some infused butter.

PS… Maple syrup drizzled over fresh made Beignet’s. so good, Make ya tongue slap ya brain!

PPS… dessert to be served inna bowl… smokin!


don’t know bout your area, but round these parts, gravy on fries is a standard option. :slight_smile:


@Habitt hmmm what kind of gravy? Also do you guys have pork belly slices?

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Little bit south east of Banff and Jasper and the west of the Rockies. If you guys google > BC Hwy 24< or “The Fishin Highway” you will get an idea of my playground :wink:

@TopShelfTrees1 hunting has been good. Put 2 deer in the freezer so far so the pressure is off. Still have some time left in the season so will see about trying to get another one. Found an area last week with craploads of Ruffed Grouse and another area with several coveys of Sharptail Grouse… need a dog and a shotgun for those but the ruffies are easy to bang with the .22… which i forgot to bring on that trip LOL
Right now I gotta clean up my entire grow area and get a 5x5 tent set up for a future flower run.


Ah bin tabarnak

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My personal favorite is a roux based onion brown gravy. Pork belly slices? We got dem Pork Belly Grillon’s, Or a pork belly wrapped tenderloin stuffed with Boudain and jalapeno cream cheese. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Alexander ok so you guys do have bacon? What’s Boudain never heard of that one. But moose I’m down that shit is good!

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Mon Dieu! Dat language cher! my virgin ears!! :wink:


It’s not just cheese on poutine, it’s CHEESE CURDS


We used to take all the vegetable scraps, chicken, duck, and turkey carcasses, etc, full up a 22 qt stock pot and let it some for 48 hours. That was the stock for the poutine gravy


You sho sounding Cajun. But the misspelling of … boudin … makes me think not.


Mis Ami, do we have bacon…???

a very wise friend of mine once asked me “Does a Bear S*it in the woods” ,when I asked him a foolish question like this. Pretty sure he was Canadian, Ya’ll got lots of bears. So you would know. :wink:

oh my you done hurt my only feeling! There’s Back Bacon, Tasso, Rillon’s, etc. Trust me, we got wild pigs all over this state, and the ones from the swamps are fat just like a tame hog.

Boudain, is a fully cooked Pork and Rice dressing that is stuffed into natural casings, then either Steamed, or Smoked. Think dirty rice stuffed into a sausage.


I do sometimes, yes!


hahaha!!! sometimes we just gotta mark territory!

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Chili cheese fries.


I done been called out! Technically you are correct, but for some reason it always stuck as being spelled boudain to me? :man_shrugging:

considering you know that spelling, am pretty sure you know it gets spelled both ways… but…

beside, i’m talking to them northern cousins, they like to add in that extra a to sound extra french. :slight_smile:

figure if I do that and just add an “ehh” at the end… I will blend in like a local.

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You guys in Canada understand how warm it is on the Central Coast of California? I was in shorts until I spilled coffee on them. Got excited about my testers I guess.


Mmmm, Chili cheese fries. Wait, beans or no beans?


Starts innocently sharpening a knife.

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