TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

thats good to hear man ! your sure are unlucky with you bones!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
get well soon !!!:wink:


Good morning friends! I hope you all have the day you need. :bear:


Good morning everyone! Hope you all are doing alright this morning!


I’ve put buckets of water in with a rag slowly wicking the water up. Put that in front of a floor fan.


Blowfish x Appalachia and Black Tuna. Got 3 each. If I popped more and had a bunch of females, I wouldn’t have room. Thanks @TopShelfTrees1.


That’s a great idea - lining the Solo cup with {what kind of membrane is it?} to ease the up-potting process.

@204medismoke - This help keep my plants comfy when the furnace is drying out the air.


yes this is what i do also! helps alot. thanks for putting this out there for others to see !


this is a good idea for around the house! just hope the cats dont think its funny dumping them lol


Yup. @DougDawson had them going. Last plants I repotted this morning had beautiful roots! CYou can lift out of the solo to check root development and health. That’s what I like.


I saw some posts on another site, not sure if it is, but Happy Birthday! @TopShelfTrees1
Hope you have a epic day.


Finding myself flirting with depression tonight.
That old familiar feeling of pointlessness, loneliness, apathy.
Emailed a therapist yesterday. I had an amazing one, but she left the office where they took my insurance and went to a place that doesn’t take insurance, and charges $250 per session…so for someone like me, that’s $1,000 bucks a month, which I don’t have.
The next therapist didn’t bother to read my file, and came at me with a bunch of hippie bullshit about spirit and energy, and noticing what direction my eyeballs go when I’m talking.
If I stopped talking she just sat there. One session we sat for the last 15 minutes with her occasionally going “Well, what do you want to talk about?”
I peaced out with the quickness and gave up on therapy for the last 6 months.
Gotta try again, because I was legitimately in a better place with the first one; everyone could tell how much better I was, and now I feel back to where I started.
Anyway… thanks for listening.
I know you said I could reach out @TopShelfTrees1 and if this gets much heavier I might.
I’m not going to hurt myself; I just don’t want to feel like this anymore.
Sorry for the heavy post guys, I just don’t have anybody to talk to about this shit and I needed to get it off my chest


Hey brother, I know I’ve been going through some shit myself but if you ever need to chat, hit me up as well.

I have a bunch of issues myself from depression to being Asperger’s so I definitely understand.

And your OG family’s here for you, don’t forget it!

I really hope things start turning around for you and you are able to find a good therapist that you mesh with, in my experiences with therapy it can be very helpful or basically useless just depending on the therapist and their dynamic with you.

If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know my friend. @HeadyBearAdventures


I appreciate you @Weednerd.Anthony
I know you’re going through it right now, so I’m humbled that you are trying to lift me up, even when you’re feeling low.
My brain doesn’t work like the “normies” either, so every time I’m with people it takes a ton of energy to wear that mask.
Nice to have a place where people want me around, even when I’m not fun to be around.
Thanks homie.


We all have periods in life like this. You aren’t alone. Just always realize there will be better days with sunshine once we get through the storms. Hand in there brother. We are with ya. Better days ahead… jjust remember that.


Literally the most important thing you could say to me right now. Thanks @Smooth
I really fucking hate drawing attention to myself, but maybe I should.


It’s not his birthday it’s an old thread!!! Don’t be addicted to your circling depression :grin::heart:
Sorry to hear it’s getting rough for you


Lol, that’s so real! Fuck you! But also thank you!


Damn auto correct I meant don’t adding! The addicted is also accurate. It’s crazy how we can be addicted to chemicals our body produces.
The auto correct was a bit more blunt than I tend to be.


Older posts I think @Trial-N-Error


All good, it’s what I needed to hear, and I prefer blunt to sugar coated.
It’s strangely easy to burrow into these feelings, and see everything as a confirmation of them.
I wouldn’t even notice if someone (you in this case) didn’t point it out.
Accidental help works the same as intentional. Thank you my guy