TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I do it myself. There is a movie called What the Bleep do we know. There is a section that talks about the different chemical cocktail our bodies produce. Depression, lust, guilt, gluttony. I found it very interesting


i hope you find the peace you deserve brotha. maybe reach out to the old therepist and see if there is a way she can get your insurence to cover some how


Ehhh id be careful recommending that film to people. Unless you pair it with the NXIVM cult docuseries of your choice, and caveat heavily about dangers of cult recruitment.

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I spent 15 years a hard core 12 step program guy. I got more out of a buck in the basket, then any therapist, even a good one. Not criticizing them at all. Far from it. The county I live in has a lot of free mental health resources.


I constantly recommend the book “feeding good” because it breaks down depression and how we can fight it. You can Google “feeling good pdf” for a free download. I constantly recommend it because it’s written by a doctor and clinically proven. Great book


No woo woo just breaking down how depression or anxiety can use cognitive distortions to make things seem worse than they are


I’m down. I’ll give it a look!
I can actually handle a fair amount of woo woo, as long as it isn’t that “love and light fixes everything” bullshit.
Thanks @leetdood


It’s mainly about being aware of your thoughts and where they lead you. As strange as it sounds, we are in charge of our thoughts and the more we understand how events and our thoughts affect us, the more we can try and engage in realistic and productive thinking. Someone beating themselves up is a common cycle in depression and anxiety for example. If you learn to recognize WHEN you are doing that and HOW to exit that cycle, it’s immensely helpful.


This is the heart of the matter.
Although I agree this is true, we often give up that control and let the thoughts determine our reality instead of allowing reality to govern our thoughts.
Even being aware of it, this is a tough cycle to break. We live in a culture that values rationality, but the way we feel isn’t rational, and yet there is value in acknowledging our feelings.
The only way I’ve ever escaped depression is by accepting it, acknowledge it, and moving forward. Fighting it only makes things worse


I agree that it is a tough cycle to break. A few year back I tried hanging myself. I learned a lot from it and now I cope much better on an everyday level. I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and that I can walk towards it.


I’d almost never say this, but I’m so glad you failed brother.
I’ve never lost the light, but it’s gotten pretty fucking dim sometimes, and that’s scary enough for me


How do you get cult recruitment from that film?


Lot of depression this time of year. I’m dealing with it. Holidays can be extra tough. Many of you know I had my ex son-in-law take his life in April. No more “sorry for your loss” stuff. I’m busy helping my daughter and 3 kids who lost their dad get thru the holidays.
Sorry your therapist you liked is out of your network. Throwing how you feel is a start. Don’t isolate. Keep reaching out. PEACE, CP


That’s the hardest fucking part! The thought process for me is: “nobody wants to be around you when you’re like this!”
The reality is that I need people around me when I feel like this!
Lol, we gettin into some shit tonight. TST is gonna be like “Y’all blew up my thread last night!”


Okay, I’m off to bed. One nice thing for me is: anxious, depressed, happy, or pissed off, I still sleep like a baby every night. :zzz:


Man you have a whole site of people who give a shit and combined have been through every combination of shit. What better therapist than those who have lived it. Hang in there bud and therapy ago again if it worked but do research on who you go to maybe. I know reddit has lots of good subreddits that I use for some of my darker feelings and thoughts. I know it sucks at least you know that you have a help that worked before. Reaching out to others is a good start bro stay up.
@leetdood thanks for the feeling good tip gonna look for it now.


Finding the right therapist is very hard. I was inclined to fuck with the bad ones which probably wasn’t a good idea.


Good morning everyone! I can’t believe I’m up this early :flushed:


Good morning!..


Good morning EG and Piter. What will today bring