TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Glad you found something that works for you!


Sooo expensive! Iā€™ve wanted one sooo bad! But no way I was getting one anytime soon. In fact I gotta give a shoutout to @Emeraldgreen as he knew how bad I wanted another one, as soon as he saw @Wizdom had one to trade/sell he tagged meā€¦. And the rest is EPIC history! I have been so broke and this way way out of reach but sometimes God works in mysterious ways and somehow deemed me deserving and fitting, as did Wizdom of course. Iā€™ve been so blessed the last few months of 2023 itā€™s amazing and my biggest hope is for this to continue so 2024 is the year I/we have been waiting for! Time to get back on track in every aspect of life and get out of depression, minimize my anxiety and just be happy and healthy both physically and mentally. And I wish this for all of my OG brothers and sisters as well! Hereā€™s to a year by which all others will be judged, to a truly exceptional 2024 for all of us! Much MUCH love and respect to ALL OF YOU :pray:t3:


Nice brother! Ya toradol is a good one, it just works for joint/muscle pain real well, it really is a great little drug. Was my lifesaver when I had stomach pains they couldnā€™t figure out for almost 3 years, tbch itā€™s one of my miracle pills I try and ALWAYS have a couple of around, those , lorazepam and motrin are almost ALWAYS in a pocket or my bag if I ever leave home. Stoked you found something to help


So happy this worked out for you!! I imagine you have done a freshly made dabšŸ˜ by now


One or two ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: need a few things before I can really get going but Iā€™ll have them soon. Just wait until the next crop comes down ! Going to be epic and Iā€™m making a shit ton of hash rosin !


foreigner also needs a rosin press


@Foreigner heres Santa reading that one?
Imagine those poor reindeer with 1/4 of the population asking for one of those 50-95 lb beauties! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Mrs Foreigner had a bad rosin experience once and that minimizes my chances of getting one for Christmas.


Ahh dammit! Ya that shitll green ya out quick if you arenā€™t prepared, my very first try wasnā€™t the best memory either as I tried after a 2 weeks tolerance break! Holy sheep shit that lil dab LIT MY ASS UP ALL NIGHT! I was falling asleep everywhere after too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


She was supposed to meet me and said ā€œI canā€™t make it im high as fuck and need a few hours.ā€ Since then sheā€™s not into it.

I said itā€™s a question of dose. She doesnā€™t care.


Definitely isā€¦. Itā€™s crazy the tiniest lil drop will light up ass up if you arenā€™t experienced with it, itā€™s like weed crack :laughing: I knew that was it, scared away so many. I always get pissed when I see people trying to purposely green people out trying to throw them a fat dab when they have now experience :man_facepalming:t2: pricks!


I know Iā€™ve seen people do that a lot too. Itā€™s messed up. Why would you want to give someone a bad experience?

I always try to tell people to take it easy you can always take another small hit but once a newbie is too high for what they are comfortable with they gotta just ride it out a bit.


Yeah that shit is no joke.

I think @TopShelfTrees1 has received enough blessings recently and should just give Foreigner the rosin press no questions asked. He should also pay shipping.


Good afternoon all! Anyone else spend to much on seeds this :rofl::rofl::disappointed_relieved:šŸ™‹
This guy did.


Thatā€™s bad ass, @Wizdom is the man.


Did I hear extract party? I got a nugsmasher XP around the beginning of this year and havenā€™t got to use it all that much. Capable of smashing a oz at a time but I hate doing those bottle tech bags and the feel of them makes me cringe like swishy pants. I tried it without the bags and yield sucked so back to the bags next time I get spare bud to press!


Not a penny. I am so happy with my seed stash ATM, that I wasnā€™t that interested.


When Top sent me the list I was stunned, mixture of low key jealous/envious, also couldnā€™t help but crack a joke with the wife ā€œhis grow tent must be bigger than our houseā€

Glad I had the opportunity to print them. Hope they give him a little helping hand, as he continues great work in retaining great strains, that previous generations of growers helped produce.

Diversity in all things is amazing.


If you keep them in 4 inch pots on shelves you can keep a lot of mothers


HP13 is coming along for example