TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Nice. I have valves here already from redoing the plumbing here. I plan to run it outside in the winter so that’ll help keep the ice longer.


Yeah I think I have a few ft of that 3/4 vinylite laying around I’d just have to grab a few things from the hardware store

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So you put the buds ice and water in there and then just drain it into the buckets after? Not put the buds in the bag and run it like a laundry bag?


So im guessing a majority of you a for a the bubble machine over the aurora seed germinator huh? My thought with the seed germinator goes back to having issues with those dj short seeds and wondering what if I didn’t have to worry about that with old seeds again and that aurora has A LOT of good reviews but it just seems a bit high priced for most easy to pop seeds but if I got it I’d use it for every seed to get popped not just the hard to pop ones


I like the shut off valve idea, I missed that one, the cut out the bottoms tech that @Kgrim came up with is awesome! That reminds me I need to get some 5g pails. There’s a ton of cool ways to mod them. I think I’m going to make an area in my garage this year for the winter so I can do everything outside and keep it all cold longer etc. I just need a big ass fold up table or 2


I still haven’t figured this out myself I’ve seen it done both ways but im thinking your supposed to do it in the zip up bags and toss those in with the water an ice. The people I seen who don’t use bags have cut and modified the actual washer

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For old ass beans I’d love to try it but honestly my numbers are almost always 95-100% even with old stuff. And I just don’t know how much better that would work than some of the tech out there. Or the test tube/embryo methods etc. I’ve never even seen the aurora before tbch


You can do it both ways but the bag inhibits the swirling motion etc. imho at least on our old 20g ones we used to have :man_facepalming:t2: basically it is the initial micron wash then I choose your desired microns for the other bags etc. to get the final product you want. It’s more about finding what works for you as everyone uses different bags, different techniques and even different quantity and quality of starting material you know….
It also is more time consuming without bags as you need to do a deep clean of the washer every time if you opt to leave the bag out.


Little overwater but nbd

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@TopShelfTrees1 can I post a couple paragraphs from the aurora website speaking about the product?


Sure, why not

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Their 9 reviews are all 5 stars it must be great! Lmao

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Actually looks/sounds pretty cool. :thinking:

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Ikr? Fucking instagram spying on me and offering me cool expensive grow tools lol


Pretty much an ongoing thing from some aspects. Diet is a huge part of it. No garbage in.
. What he did is really involved more spiritually,


Haha I hear that! If I wasn’t tapped I’d definitely be this time of year no matter how much I had :man_facepalming:t2: think that’s just one thing that makes December so tough for so many . My son’s birthday is on the 13th so I try my best to stay up in December but man it’s tough at times. And the offers online don’t help whatsoever!

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This is where I always have a hard time, I eat way too much garbage :man_facepalming:t2:


If I got the bubble bag machine this year it would only be used on trim. I wouldn’t be able to use it till I get a stockpile. My plants now should get chopped around feb and be ready to smoke about march so that means I won’t have another grow with a bunch of green I can throw towards butter or oil, dabs, or washin buds until about may. I might be leaning towards the aurora at this rate

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Yea but discord guy over here should be seeing a very happy guy when he gets the box I sent.

Lol. Mad love brother.